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Phinney, J.S., Berry, J.W., Vedder, P. and Liebkind, K. (2006) The Acculturation Experience: Attitudes, Identities and Behaviors of Immigrant Youth. In: Berry, J.W., Phinney, J.S., Sam, D.L. and Vedder, P., Eds., Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, Mahwah, 71-116.


  • 标题: 东南亚籍新移民在台湾的涵化研究The Acculturation of “New” Taiwanese from Southeast Asia in Taiwan

    作者: 陈淑娇

    关键字: 语言涵化, 融入, 同化, 语言使用场域, 族群认同Language Acculturation, Integration, Assimilation, Domains of Language Use, Ethnic and Cultural Identity

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.3 No.4, 2015-11-27

    摘要: 东南亚裔新台湾人在本文泛指来自越南、印尼、泰国及菲律宾等东南亚四国的「外籍新娘」,目前已经成为台湾第五大族群。本研究以问卷方式搜集资料,以双向度的涵化模组,从族群文化认同、语言能力、及语言行为三个项度分析及阐释东南亚裔新台湾人的涵化程度。研究结果发现东南亚裔新台湾人处于「融入」(integration)的涵化过程。他们强调双重认同,认为自己既是台湾人也是自己母国的人。在语言能力方面,她们除了保留自己母语之外,也积极学习国语及台语。她们并未自我隔离或被边缘化。此结果表示,台湾社会是尊重多元文化的,这些东南亚裔新台湾人在台湾能够享受自由民主的生活。 The Southeast Asian New Taiwanese in this paper are referred to those “foreign brides” immigrated to Taiwan mainly from Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines. This group of immigrants has become the fifth largest ethnic group in Taiwan. Based on data collected from questionnaires, this study uses a bidimensional model to investigate to what extent these New Taiwanese have been acculturated, respectively, in the domains of culture identification, language ability, and language behavior. It is found that they are in the process of integration. They strongly accept dual ethnic identity, maintain their mother tongues but also acquire good Mandarin and Taiwanese, and are not separated or marginalized. These results show that Taiwan is a free and democratic country in which multilingualism and multiculturalism are well practiced and accepted.


