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M. Ash, J. K. Boyce, G. Chang, M. Pastor, J. Scoggins and J. Tran. Justice in the air: Tracking toxic pollution from America’s industries and companies to our States, cities, and neighborhoods, 2009. http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/dpe/ctip/justice_in_the_air.pdf


  • 标题: 环境种族主义概念的科学化:科技、社会与法律的观点The Scientification of Environmental Racism: An STS and Law Approach

    作者: 黄之栋, 黄瑞祺

    关键字: 环境种族主义, 环境正义, 科技与社会, “科技、社会与法律”, 歧视Environmental Justice; Environmental Racism; STS (Science; Technology and Society); STS and Law; Discrimination

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.1 No.3, 2012-12-20

    摘要: 在一般的理解中,环境种族主义一词指的是在环境议题上所发生的种族歧视。既然事涉歧视的讨论,我们很难不直觉地认为,环境种族主义相关判例的争执,必然也集中在法哲学或道德的论辩上。但当我们仔细检视几个经典判例后,就会发现法庭上的攻防,其实早已“科学化”了。也就是说,两造辩论的标的既不是哲学也不是道德,而是如何科学地证明歧视的动机与影响,以及怎样才能准确地测量歧视等这些议题上。本文通过微观的分析,发现判决中科学与法律间的交错。对此,我们认为法学中应该引入社会科学的思考,并重视科学对法律的介入。 This article investigates three leading, but failed, cases to understand what environmental racism (ER) means and how this concept is constructed in the US court. As the court constantly insists that accusa-tions of ER demand the proof of intentional discrimination, this requirement soon becomes a high hurdle in making such cases. These three cases illustrate how legal terms such as intent, discrimination, and racism were considered in the manner of science. Although the application of science to law sounds objective or “scientific”, it is still very difficult to measure and quantify one’s discriminatory intent, or racism, through science. It is mistaken, this article argues, that activists put all their eggs in the basket of science. It is impor-tant that activists prepare a way for shift of thinking in materialising environmental justice.


