On the Professional Development of Prospective Teachers of Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2022.1212491, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 344  浏览: 519  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李晓柳, 吴吉惠:西华师范大学教育学院,四川 南充
关键词: 中小学心理健康教育准教师专业成长Primary and Secondary Schools Mental Health Education Candidates’ Professional Development
摘要: 研究从教学专业发展和教育专业发展两个方面出发,总结出了心理健康教师专业发展的部分要求。最终得到四点促进准教师专业成长建议:第一,学习掌握一般性教育知识与技能;第二,强化心理健康教育专业知识、专业能力;第三,培养心理健康教育专业精神、清晰自我定位;第四,提高专业成长意识、进行职业规划。旨在为心理健康准教师专业成长提供一定的参考及借鉴意义。
Abstract: The research summarized some requirements for the professional development of mental health teachers from two aspects of teaching professional development and education professional development. Finally, we get four suggestions to promote the professional growth of prospective teachers: First, learn to master general educational knowledge and skills; Second, strengthen the professional knowledge and ability of mental health education; Third, cultivate the professional spirit of mental health education and clear self positioning; Fourth, improve the awareness of professional growth and conduct career planning. The purpose is to provide some reference for the professional development of mental health prospective teachers.
文章引用:李晓柳, 吴吉惠 (2022). 浅谈中小学心理健康教育准教师专业成长. 心理学进展, 12(12), 4069-4073. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2022.1212491


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