基于结构方程模型的大学生特种兵式旅游意愿影响因素研究Study on the Influencing Factors of College Students’ Willingness to Engage in Special Forces-Style Tourism Based on Structural Equation Model
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运筹与模糊学 Vol.14 No.4, August 1 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/orf.2024.144373 被引量
富宁苗语的约量时间词研究A Study on Approximate Time Words in Funing Hmong Language
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现代语言学 Vol.11 No.11, November 24 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.1111728 被引量
汉字谐音在产品包装中的应用研究——以纽纽优乳品包装设计为例Research on the Application of Chinese Character Homophonics in Product Packaging—Taking the Packaging Design of Newyou Dairy Products as an Example
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设计 Vol.8 No.4, December 11 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.84333 被引量
“体验至上”:基于候选人体验的校园招聘推动雇主品牌建设“Experience First”: Campus Recruitment Based on the Candidate’s Experience Resulting in the Strengthening of the Employer Brand
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社会科学前沿 Vol.10 No.2, February 24 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ASS.2021.102050 被引量
叠音品牌名称对不同性别大学生消费偏好的影响The Effect of Repeated Two-Syllable Brand Name on the Consumption Preference of College Students in Different Genders
王昕悦, 贾浩哲 下载量: 947 浏览量: 1,725
心理学进展 Vol.9 No.10, October 8 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2019.910205 被引量