机闸调度智能化少人化系统思考与探究——以北运河杨洼闸为例Thoughts and Exploration on Intelligent and Depersonalized System for Gate Dispatch—Taking Yangwa Sluice on the North Canal as an Example
王 彤, 任雪珺
服务科学和管理 Vol.13 No.6, November 28 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ssem.2024.136084 被引量
北京城市副中心水系景观工程对水质的影响分析Analysis of Water Quality of Water System for Landscape Engineering in Beijing Sub-Center Administrative Office Area
王 彤, 任雪珺, 关得天, 程子龙
水污染及处理 Vol.12 No.4, October 21 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/wpt.2024.124011 被引量