全息膜复合PET柱镜光栅工艺技术研究及性能测试Research and Performance Testing of Holographic Film Composite PET Column Mirror Grating Process Technology
熊 建, 徐小霞
材料科学 Vol.14 No.10, October 28 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ms.2024.1410162 被引量
基于OBE理念的卷烟工艺学教学改革与实践Teaching Reform Practice of Cigarette Manufacturing Technology Based on OBE Concept
保志娟, 杨志新, 刘雅婷, 周桂夙 科研立项经费支持
教育进展 Vol.14 No.2, February 28 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2024.142268 被引量
新农科背景下课程建设与改革重点方向探讨Analysis on Key Directions of the Curriculum Construction and Reform under the Background of “New Agri-Science” Construction
陈 丹, 罗朝晖, 陈 菁, 朱成立 科研立项经费支持
创新教育研究 Vol.10 No.5, May 30 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CES.2022.105180 被引量
新时代大学生寝室文化育人功能及建设研究Research on the Educational Function and Construction of Dormitory Culture for College Students in the New Era
社会科学前沿 Vol.13 No.10, October 31 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ass.2024.1310973 被引量