


20007月至200310月 博士后,美国内布拉斯加州立大学生物技术中心

19918月至19947月  博士,中国农业科学院

19888月至19917月  硕士,中国农业科学院

19808月至19848月  学士,宁夏农学院


200311月至今    研究员,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所

20063月至20066月 高级研究人员,美国内布拉斯加州立大学生物技术中心

19982月至20007月 副研究员,中国农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所

19972月至19982月 访问学者,韩国高丽大学生物技术学院

19947月至19972月 助理研究员,中国农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所

19847月至19888月 实习研究员,宁夏农林科学院农作物研究所


  1. Wang K, Han X F, Dong K, Gao L Y, Ma W J, Yan Y M, Ye X G*. Characterization of seed proteome in Brachypodium distachyon. Journal of Cereal Sciences, 2010, 52: 177-186
  2. She M Y, Ye X G*, Yan Y M, Ma W J. Gene network in the synthesis and deposition of protein polymers during grain development of wheat. Functional & Integrative genomics, 2011, 11: 23-25
  3. Li J R, Ye X G*, An B Y, Du L P, Xu H J. Genetic transformation of wheat: current status and future prospects, Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2012, 6: 183-193
  4. Bie X M, Wang K, She M Y, Du L P, Zhang S X, Li J R, Gao X, Lin Z S, Ye X G*. Combinational transformation of three wheat genes encoding fructan biosynthesis enzymes confers increased fructan content and tolerance to abiotic stresses in tobacco. Plant Cell Rep, 2012, 31: 2229-2238
  5. Wang S L, Wang K, Chen G X, Lv D W, Han X F, Yu Z T, Li X H, Ye X G*, Hsam S L, Ma W J, Appels R, Yan Y M. Molecular characterization of LMW-GS genes in Brachypodium distachyon L. reveals highly conserved Glu-3 loci in Triticum and related species. BMC Plant Biology, 2012, 12: 221
  6. She M Y, Yin G X, Li J R, Li X, Du L P, Ma W J, Ye X G*. Efficient Regeneration potential is closely related to auxin exposure time and catalase metabolism during the somatic embryogenesis of immature embryos in Triticum aestivum L. Mol Biotechnol, 2013, 54: 451-460
  7. Wang K, Lin Z S, Wang S L, Du L P, Li J R, Xu H J, Yan Y M, Ye X G*. Development, identification, and genetic analysis of a quantitative dwarfing somatic variation line in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Crop Sci, 2013, 53: 1032-1041
  8. Zhou X H, Wang K, Lv D W, Wu C J, Li J R, Du L P, Lin Z S, Ye X G*. Global analysis of differentially expressed genes and proteins in the wheat callus infected by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plos ONE, 2013, 8(11): e79390
  9. Lin Z S, Zhang Y L, Wang K, Li J R, Xu Q F, Chen X, Zhang X S, Ye X G*. Isolation and molecular analysis of gees Srpk-V2 and Stpk-V3 homologous to powdery mildew resistance gene Stpk-V in a Dasypyrum villosum accession and its derivatives. J Appl Genet, 2013, 54: 417-426
  10. Wang X M, Wang K, Li J R, Du L P, Li J R, Xu H J, Ye X G*. Effects of environmental temperature on the regeneration frequency of the immature embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). 2014, 13(4): 722-732
  11. Rong W, Qi L, Wang A Y, Ye X G (Co-first author), Du LP, Liang H X, Xin Z Y, Zhang Z Y. The ERF transcription factor TaERF3 promotes tolerance to salt and drought stresses in wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014, 12: 468-479
  12. Zhang W, Wang K, Lin Z S, Du L P, Ma H L, Xiao L L, Ye X G*. Production and identification of haploid dwarf male sterile wheat plants induced by corn inducer. Botanical Studies, 2014, 55: 26
  13. Xiao L L, Wang K, Liu Y L, Ye X G*, Ma W J, Yan Y M. Molecular characterization of high molecular weight glutenin allele Glu-B1h encoding 1Bx14+1By15 subunits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Crop and Pasture Science, 2014, 65 (3): 215-226
  14. Zhang, W, Wang X M, Fan R, Yin G X, Wang K, Du L P, Lele Xiao, Ye X G*. Effects of inter-culture, arabinogalactan proteins, and hydrogen peroxide on the plant regeneration of wheat immature embryos. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14: 11-19
  15. Gao X, She M Y, Yin G X, Yu Y Du L P, Ye X G*. Cloning and characterization of genes coding for fructan biosynthesis enzymes (FBEs) in Triticeae plants. Agriculturaal Science in China, 2010, 3: 313-324
  16. Yin G X, Wang Y L, She M Y, Du L P, Xu H J, Ma J X, Ye X G*. Establishment of a highly efficient regeneration system for the mature embryo culture of wheat. Agriculturaal Science in China, 2011, 10(1): 9-17
  17. Tao L L, Yin G X, Du L P, Shi Z Y, She M Y, Xu H J, Ye X G*. Improvement of plant regeneration from immature embryos of wheat infected by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Agricultural Science in China, 2011, 10(3): 317-326
  18. He C F, Chen J, Zhang J X, Ye X G*. Genetic transformation of aloe barbadensis Miller by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2007, 12:1053-1060
  19. Xie H, Lin Z S, Zhang Z Y, Du L P, Xin Z Y, Ma Y Z, Ye X G*Chen X. Identification of wheat line YW243 on comprehensive resistance to several diseases by pathogens and molecular markers, Cereal Res. Comm., 2008, 36: 543-552
  20. Wang Y L, Xu M X, Wang D W, Ye X G*. Agrobacterium-mediated wheat transformation based on the mature embryo culture, Cereal Res. Comm., 2009, 37: 1-12
  21. Ye X G*. Development and application of plant transformation techniques. J Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14: 411-413
  22. Wang S L, Seong S K, Ye X G*, He C F, Kwon S Y, Choi P S. Current status of genetic transformation technology developed in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). J Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(3): 469-482
  23. Zhao P, Wang K, Lin Z S, Du L P, Yan Y M, Ye X G*. A genetic evidence of chromosomal fragment from bridge parent existing in substitution line between two common wheat varieties. J Integrative Agriculture, 2015, Doi10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61038-3
  24. 叶兴国,新模式植物短柄草模式特性研究进展,作物学报,2008346):919925
  25. 陶丽莉,殷桂香,杜丽璞,叶兴国*,小麦成熟胚组织培养及遗传转化研究进展,麦类作物学报,20083713-718
  26. 殷桂香,王瑾,徐惠君,毛新国,杜丽璞,叶兴国*,几个小麦基因型苗期抗旱性鉴定及相关生理指标分析,麦类作物学报,2009 292):319-323
  27. 王瑾,唐益苗,赵昌平,叶兴国*,转基因植物检测技术发展和创新回顾,科技导报,20082623):8893
  28. 殷桂香,佘茂云,高翔,王瑾,叶兴国*,植物果聚糖合成酶基因克隆及功能分析,中国生物工程杂志,2009292):125-133
  29. 高翔,别晓敏,佘茂云,杜丽璞,叶兴国*。安全型转基因植物培育技术研究进展,植物遗传资源学报,20094607-612
  30. 高翔,佘茂云,殷桂香,于洋,别小敏,杜丽璞,徐惠君,叶兴国*,小麦果聚糖合成酶基因6-SFT克隆及功能验证,科技导报,20092723):70-75
  31. 韩晓峰,陶丽莉,殷桂香,刘晓蕾,杜丽璞,魏亦勤,晏月明,叶兴国*,基因型和环境条件对小麦花药培养效果的影响,作物学报,2010367):12091215
  32. 韩晓峰,叶兴国*,刘晓蕾,魏亦勤,杜丽璞,王轲,佘茂云,樊明,晏月明,小麦花药培养后代和杂交后代中高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基变异分析,植物遗传资源学报,2010116):671-677
  33. 别晓敏,佘茂云,杜丽璞,林志珊,殷桂香,徐惠君,叶兴国*,植物多基因转化研究进展,中国农业科技导报,2010126):18-23
  34. 佘茂云,陈朵朵,冯 晨,杜丽璞,叶兴国*,小麦亚硝酸还原酶基因及调控序列克隆、定位和表达分析,作物学报,2011371):1-12
  35. 石珍源,殷桂香,杜丽璞,陶莉丽,徐惠君,叶兴国*,小麦大龄幼胚再生性能改进与农杆菌转化,中国农业科学,2011442):225-232
  36. 佘茂云,殷桂香,冯晨,别晓敏,杜丽璞,徐惠君,叶兴国*,小麦TaCAT新基因克隆及分子生物学特性和生化特性分析,科技导报,20112912):23-31
  37. 叶兴国,陈明,杜丽璞,徐惠君,小麦转基因方法及其评述,遗传,2011335):422-430
  38. 别晓敏,杜丽璞,佘茂云,徐惠君,叶兴国*,不同生长素类型及组合对小麦幼胚再生效果的影响,核农学报,2011255):1023-1028
  39. 别晓敏,杜丽璞,徐惠君,叶兴国*,培养基中CuSO4Fe盐浓度对小麦胚培养再生效果的影响,植物遗传资源学报,2011126):975-981
  40. 叶兴国,佘茂云,王轲,杜丽璞,徐惠君,植物组织培养再生相关基因鉴定、克隆和应用研究进展,作物学报,2012382):191-201
  41. 李欣,刘凌云,杜丽璞,殷桂香,徐惠君,叶兴国*,十二个小麦新品种成熟胚再生性能与农杆菌侵染敏感性评价,中国农业科技导报,2012142):40-46
  42. 李欣,杜丽璞,殷桂香,徐惠君,林志珊,佘茂云,叶兴国*,转bar基因小麦和非转基因小麦抗除草剂鉴定方法比较,植物遗传资源学报,201213 4):596-600
  43. 周晓鸿,田芳,杜丽璞,王轲,林志珊,叶兴国*,植物与有益微生物互作的分子基础及其应用的研究进展,中国农业科学,20124514):2801-2814
  44. 叶兴国,王新敏,王轲,杜丽璞,林志珊,徐惠君,提高植物农杆菌转化效率辅助策略研究进展,中国农业科学,20124515):3007-3019
  45. 肖乐乐,李婕琳,王 轲,杜丽璞,林志珊,晏月明,叶兴国*,小麦体细胞无性系变异体AS34株高构成和育种潜力探讨,植物遗传资源学报,201415 1):178-183
  46. 肖乐乐,杜丽璞,王轲,李小辉,徐惠君,晏月明,叶兴国*,基因枪转化小麦主要影响因素细述,植物遗传资源学报,201415 4):850-858
  47. 赵佩,王轲,张伟,杜丽璞,叶兴国*,参与农杆菌侵染及T-DNA转运过程植物蛋白的研究进展和思考,中国农业科学,20144713):2504-2518
  48. 叶兴国,徐惠君,杜丽璞,何光源,王轲,林志珊,小麦规模化转基因技术体系构建及其应用,中国农业科学,20144721):4155-4171
  49. 殷桂香,赵佩,郝浩楠,李婕琳,杜丽璞,张平治,佘茂云,叶兴国*,三个方便实用的植物表达载体构建与验证,植物遗传资源学报,201415 6):1327-1333
  50. 佘茂云,殷桂香,杜丽璞,张平治,叶兴国*,非生物胁迫处理对植物离体组织培养再生效果影响研究进展,科技导报,20143228/29):97-103
  51. 佘茂云,殷桂香,赵佩,杜丽璞,张平治,叶兴国*,植物组织培养过程中器官发生途径再生植株分子机制研究进展,科技导报,2015332):91-98 


  1. 叶兴国,陶莉丽,王艳丽,殷桂香,任贤,魏亦勤,杜丽璞,徐惠君,陈孝,辛志勇,克服根癌农杆菌介导小麦幼胚褐化的转化方法及其专用培养基,2011.3,中国,专利号:ZL 200810106257.X
  2. 叶兴国,殷桂香,王艳丽,陶莉丽,徐明星,徐惠君,杜丽璞,王道文,辛志勇,一种提高小麦成熟胚再生率的培养基和农杆菌转化方法,2011.9,中国,专利号:ZL 200810106258.4
  3. 叶兴国,殷桂香,佘茂云,陈朵朵,杜丽璞,徐惠君,别小敏,孙伟珊,李欣,一种小麦组织培养的方法,2012.6,中国,专利号:ZL200910237362.1
  4. 叶兴国,佘茂云,杜丽璞,冯晨,徐惠君,王新敏,殷桂香,李欣,别小敏,一种植物表达载体,2012.6,中国,专利号:ZL2201010293247.9
  5. 叶兴国,王轲,殷桂香,杜丽璞,李欣,林志珊,徐惠君,王新敏,周晓鸿,张伟,肖乐乐,一种提高低再生力小麦基因型幼胚组织培养再生率的方法,2013.9,中国,专利号:ZL201210085450.6
  6. 叶兴国,王欣敏,王轲,徐惠君,杜丽璞,林志珊,张伟,李欣,一种小麦幼胚的冷冻储藏方法, 2014.8,中国,专利号:ZL201310087497
  7. 叶兴国,王欣敏,张伟,王轲,杜丽璞,赵佩,徐惠君,一种提高小麦幼胚再生率的组织培养方法,2015.6,中国,专利号:ZL201310397451.9
  8. 叶兴国,王欣敏,王轲,杜丽璞,赵佩,张伟,徐惠君,提高小麦幼胚植株再生率的组织培养方法,2015.6,中国,专利号:ZL201310397587.X