Metaphors in Political Texts and Its Regu-larity of Translation
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.52011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,991  浏览: 5,285 
作者: 李 一*, 卢卫中:曲阜师范大学翻译学院,山东 日照
关键词: 认知隐喻政治隐喻源语喻体翻译规律Cognitive Metaphor Political Metaphors Vehicles in Source Language Regularity of Translation
摘要: 作为人类不可或缺的认知机制和思维方式,隐喻也是人类主要的、基本的生存方式。隐喻尤其受到政治文本生产者的青睐,在政论文本中起着非常重要的作用。关于政治隐喻及其翻译规律的研究是一个非常重要的研究话题。本文以概念隐喻理论为基础,以2015年《政府工作报告》及其英译文本为基本语料,总结了较为典型的政治隐喻类型并分析它们在构建政府工作报告中的重要作用,挖掘出政论文本中不同隐喻类型的英译方法及其规律。研究表明:1) 报告中主要出现旅行隐喻、建筑隐喻和战争隐喻,从而使政治家有效地传达政治思想;2) 隐喻的翻译与源语中的喻体密切相关;3) 源语文化和目标语文化的差异及读者群的认知方式是翻译政治隐喻时使用不同翻译策略的根本原因。
Abstract: As an indispensable cognitive mechanism and way of thinking, metaphor is also the basic way of living for human beings. Metaphor is particularly favored by political text producers and plays a very important role in political texts. The study of political metaphor and its translation is a very important research topic. Based on the theory of conceptual metaphor, this paper selects corpora from the Report on the Work of the Government in 2015 and summarizes the typical types of political metaphor and analyzes their important roles in the construction of the report so as to dig out the English translation methods and regularities of different metaphor types in political texts. The study shows that: 1) the report mainly includes travel metaphor, architectural metaphor and war metaphor, which can make politicians convey political thought effectively; 2) the translation of metaphors is closely related to vehicles in source language; 3) The differences between the source language culture and the target language culture and the cognitive way of readers are the root reasons for different translation strategies when translating political metaphors.
文章引用:李一, 卢卫中. 政论文本中的隐喻及其翻译规律[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 80-86. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52011


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