Design of Antenna Array Using Harmony Search Algorithm
DOI: 10.12677/hjwc.2012.22008, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,328  浏览: 11,031 
作者: 余相宽:;李坤洲:国立成功大学,系统及船舶机电工程系
关键词: 阵列天线和声搜寻法最佳化
Antenna Array; Harmony Search Algorithm; Optimization
摘要: 本研究采用和声搜寻法,调整阵列元素之位置,且须符合主波瓣束宽之限制条件,用以达成阵列波束函数旁波瓣级之极小化,达成阵列问题最佳化之目的。首先,介绍阵列天线之相关知识和阵列波束函数方程,以及如何在限制条件内做最佳化处理。仿真结果显示,应用和声搜寻法能有效率的达成最佳化目标,收敛至全域解所需花费时间较少,能有效处理线性和非线性最佳化问题,并能应用于其它研究领域,非常适合用于工程领域之最佳化问题。
Abstract: In this study, the Harmony Search algorithm is applied to adjustment of optimum position for antenna arrays. Optimization is implemented by minimizing the side-lobe level under the constraint of desired main-beam width. Ini- tially, fundamentals of antenna arrays and functions of radiation patterns are introduced. Next, detailed procedures for achieving the optimization are given. Simulation results show that optimization of radiation patterns based on Harmony Search algorithm is very efficient. It spends less time to achieve global convergence, and is thus suitable to treat linear and nonlinear problems in engineering. In addition, the proposed scheme can also be extended to treat optimization problems in many other fields of engineering.
文章引用:余相宽, 李坤洲. 应用和声搜寻法于设计阵列天线[J]. 无线通信, 2012, 2(2): 39-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/hjwc.2012.22008


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