Comparison and Analysis of AP1000 Nuclear Reactor Waste Treatment Technology in China
DOI: 10.12677/NST.2017.52013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,851  浏览: 4,191 
作者: 孔德生, 李 斌, 马若霞, 耿忠林:中电投远达环保工程有限公司,重庆
关键词: 核电SRTF工艺路线对比分析Nuclear Power SRTF Routing Comparative Analysis
摘要: 浙江三门核电厂和山东海阳核电厂采用美国开发研究的AP1000堆型第三代核电机组,首次采用了核岛废物处理系统与厂址废物处理设施(SRTF)相结合的处理模式,但两厂址废物处理设施(SRTF)处理工艺上存在一定的差异,本文针对两厂址废物处理设施(SRTF)处理工艺进行了对比分析。综合研究AP1000离堆废物处理技术,形成规范化的、系列化的处理技术及装备,对实现AP1000核电厂离堆废物的安全管理、落实废物最小化原则发挥积极作用。
Abstract: Zhejiang Sanmen nuclear power plant and Shandong Haiyang nuclear power plant adopt the third-generation nuclear reactor named AP1000 which is developed by the United States. They are the first companies to use the combined process which combine with the nuclear waste disposal system and a site radwaste treatment facility (SRTF). However, the two plants have some differences in their SRTF processes. This paper contrasts and analyzes the processes of the two SRTF. It has played a positive role for making a comprehensive research on the treatment technologies of AP1000 reactor site radwaste and forming of standard and systematic treatment technologies and equipment. And it has a positive effect on realizing the safety management of the AP1000 reactor site radwaste and implementing the principle of waste minimization.
文章引用:孔德生, 李斌, 马若霞, 耿忠林. 对我国AP1000核电离堆废物处理技术的对比分析[J]. 核科学与技术, 2017, 5(2): 94-102. https://doi.org/10.12677/NST.2017.52013


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