Ship Propulsion Experimental Teaching System Based on Virtual Reality
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.125333, PDF, 下载: 34  浏览: 52  科研立项经费支持
作者: 徐 佩, 郭迎春:江苏海洋大学海洋工程学院,江苏 连云港;孙 颖:江苏海洋大学商学院,江苏 连云港
关键词: 虚拟仿真螺旋桨敞水试验螺旋桨空泡试验试验教学仿真开发Virtual Simulation Propeller Open-Water Test Propeller Cavitation Test Experimental Teaching Simulation Development
摘要: 在传统螺旋桨敞水试验和空泡试验教学模式下,受限于各种条件的约束,学生只能在限定的时间和地点,利用限定的试验设备,观察特定的试验内容,极大地制约了对学生动手能力及工程创新能力的培养。而虚拟仿真技术的发展,克服了传统的试验教学模式短板,使得不受试验设备、时间和空间的智能教学系统得以实现。本文基于Unity 3D虚拟引擎和3ds Max三维建模软件搭建可视化交互场景,以空泡水筒为原型,利用Visual Studio Code软件,使用C#脚本语言为开发工具进行螺旋桨敞水试验和空泡试验虚拟仿真试验系统的搭建,实现了第一人称自由漫游,动手组装设备,零距离观察装置,试验数据分析等功能。船舶推进试验系统使学生更加了解螺旋桨敞水试验和空泡试验的原理、设备功能以及试验结果的应用价值等,实践能力和思考能力得以锻炼,同时该系统在很大程度上节省了教学资源,提高了教学质量和学习效率,在船舶教育教学中具有很强的应用前景和研究价值。
Abstract: Under the traditional teaching mode of propeller open-water test and cavitation test, students can only observe specific experimental content using designated experimental equipment at a set time and location. This greatly restricts the cultivation of students’ practical and engineering innovation abilities. However, the development of virtual simulation technology has overcome the shortcomings of the traditional experimental teaching model, enabling an intelligent teaching system that is not constrained by experimental equipment, time, and space. This paper builds a visual interactive scene based on the Unity 3D virtual engine and 3ds Max 3D modeling software, using a cavitation tunnel as a prototype. Utilizing Visual Studio Code software and the C# scripting language as development tools, a virtual simulation experiment system for propeller open-water test and cavitation test is constructed, realizing functions such as first-person free roaming, hands-on equipment assembly, close-up observation of devices, and experimental data analysis. The ship propulsion test system enables students to better understand of the principles, equipment functions, and application value of propeller open-water testing and cavitation test. Students’ practical and critical thinking skills are enhanced, while the system significantly saves on teaching resources, improves teaching quality and learning efficiency, and has immense application prospects and research value in marine education and teaching.
文章引用:徐佩, 郭迎春, 孙颖. 基于虚拟现实的船舶推进试验教学系统[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(5): 608-618. https://doi.org/10.12677/ces.2024.125333


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