法经济学视阈下我国《民法典》上“处分行为”及物权变动模式之再审视A Review of the “Act of Disposition” and the Mode of Real-Right Transfer in the Chinese Civil Code from the Perspective of Law and Economics
张凌月, 余小伟 下载量: 82 浏览量: 292 科研立项经费支持
法学 Vol.12 No.5, May 31 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ojls.2024.125471 被引量
征纳双方均无过错情形下不得征收税收滞纳金条款研究——以德发案和陈建伟案对比分析为视角Study on the Perfection of Tax Late Payment Penalty System under the Circumstances of No Fault on Both Sides of Tax Collection and Payment—From the Perspective of Comparative Analysis of Defa Case and Chen Jianwei Case
李 杰 下载量: 335 浏览量: 510
法学 Vol.11 No.5, September 5 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/OJLS.2023.115536 被引量