EC产品在2021年“小寒”寒潮中的应用Application of EC Products in Cold Wave in Lesser Cold of 2021
李柄更, 陈晓斌, 刘志宏 下载量: 670 浏览量: 872
自然科学 Vol.9 No.2, March 29 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/OJNS.2021.92029 被引量
《高等代数》课程思政与学生文化自信培养Ideological and Political Education in Advanced Algebra Courses to Foster Students’ Cultural Confidence
刘志宏, 李迎春, 谢 海, 石 磊 下载量: 8 浏览量: 35 科研立项经费支持
教育进展 Vol.14 No.8, August 22 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ae.2024.1481477 被引量
老年抑郁的影响因素分析及其干预模式的研究进展 Analysis of Influencing Factors of Senile Depression and Research Progress of Intervention Model
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护理学 Vol.11 No.4, August 29 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/NS.2022.114095 被引量
新工科与专业认证背景下地方高校人才培养方案的修订——以江汉大学新能源材料与器件专业为例Revision of Talent Training Plan in Local Colleges and Universities under the Background of New Engineering and Engineering Education Accreditation—Taking the New Energy Materials and Devices Specialty of Jianghan University as an Example
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教育进展 Vol.12 No.10, October 26 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2022.1210626 被引量
信息与计算科学专业基础课程群课程思政教学改革与实践Ideological and Political Teaching Reform and Practice of Basic Curriculum Group of Information and Computing Science Major
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教育进展 Vol.13 No.4, April 6 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2023.134247 被引量
护理硕士专业学位研究生临床能力考核方法的Meta整合 Meta Integration of Clinical Competence Assessment Methods for Master of Nursing Specialist Students
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护理学 Vol.12 No.2, April 21 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/NS.2023.122019 被引量
基于CiteSpace的我国心脏康复护理的可视化分析 A CiteSpace-Based Visualisation Analysis of Cardiac Rehabilitation Care in China
黄 利, 刘志宏, 李金秀, 龙艳慧, 田 锋 下载量: 321 浏览量: 1,421 科研立项经费支持
护理学 Vol.12 No.4, August 17 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/NS.2023.124096 被引量
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护理学 Vol.12 No.4, August 24 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/NS.2023.124098 被引量
我国农村地区急救研究领域的文献计量分析Bibliometric Analysis of the Field of First Aid Research in Rural Areas of China
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临床医学进展 Vol.12 No.9, September 20 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2022.1291239 被引量
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冶金工程 Vol.2 No.2, June 25 2015, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MEng.2015.22013 被引量