类人胶原蛋白治疗眼周皮肤皱纹的临床分析Clinical Analysis of Treatment of Periocular Skin Wrinkles with Humanoid Collagen
刘 鶄, 高婷婷, 张园园 下载量: 619 浏览量: 8,905
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函数对称性与周期性在中学数学解题中的应用Application of Function Symmetry and Periodicity in Solving Problems in Middle School Mathematics
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针灸治疗肩关节围周炎的研究进展Research Advance of Shoulder Periarthritis Treated by Acupuncture
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人工关节假体周围感染治疗中利福平作用探究Investigation on the Therapeutic Effect of Rifampicin on Periprosthetic Joint Infection
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临床医学进展 Vol.14 No.5, May 31 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/acm.2024.1451657 被引量
特色针法治疗肩周炎的研究进展Research Progress of Characteristic Acupuncture in the Treatment of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis
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《脾胃论》在周围血管病中的应用The Application of Theory of Spleen and Stomach in Peripheral Vascular Diseases
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周期性换热蓄热式换热器的设计方法Design Method of Periodic Regenerative Heat Exchanger
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应用物理 Vol.11 No.12, December 17 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/APP.2021.1112050 被引量
关于一类具有特殊对称性的牛顿方程周期解的研究A Study on the Periodic Solutions of a Class of Newton Equations with Special Symmetry
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高频超声在周围神经病变的临床研究及进展Clinical Study and Progress of High Frequency Ultrasound in Peripheral Neuropathy
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