禅思书意——浅析禅宗思想与苏轼“尚意”书法美学Zen and Calligraphy—A Brief Analysis of Zen and Su-shi’s Shangyi Calligraphic Aesthetics
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世界文学研究 Vol.1 No.2, August 23 2013, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/WLS.2013.12004 被引量
“能指”对“所指”的僭越——后现代时尚符号体系的转变与探析The Transgression of the Signifier” over the “Signified”—The Transformation and Exploration of Postmodern Fashion Symbol System
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基于Power BI财务可视化视角的尚品宅配经营业绩研究Research on Business Performance of Shangpin Home Distribution Based on Financial Visualization Perspective of Power BI
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现代管理 Vol.14 No.2, February 29 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MM.2024.142034 被引量
小鹏汽车财务风险评价研究Research on Financial Risk Assessment of Xpeng Motors
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中国车企数字化转型的5W-1H分析——以小鹏汽车为例A 5W-1H Study of Digital Transformation in Chinese Automotive Companies—A Case Study of Xiaopeng Auto
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论张鹏展《峤西诗钞》版本流变、编纂特色及其影响Study on the Edition Evolution,Compilation Characteristics and Influence of Qiaoxi Shichao by Zhang Pengzhan
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世界文学研究 Vol.8 No.3, September 11 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/WLS.2020.83016 被引量
国内《尚书》英译研究综述(2000~2020)A Review of Domestic Researches on the English Translation of Shangshu (2000~2020
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现代语言学 Vol.9 No.2, April 26 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2021.92060 被引量
“尚象”与“达理”——古代妆具之造物思想探析“Concept” and “Rational”—An Analysis of the Creation Thought of Ancient Makeup Utensils
严碧莹, 邓莉丽 下载量: 2 浏览量: 38 科研立项经费支持
设计 Vol.9 No.4, August 23 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/design.2024.94516 被引量
数字化时代下消费者对时尚设计的参与与体验Consumer Participation and Experience in Fashion Design in the Digital Era
郑 可 下载量: 296 浏览量: 543
设计 Vol.8 No.4, December 21 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2023.84417 被引量
“人”以载衣:探《妇人画报》中的女性身体时尚设计“People” Carrying Clothes: Exploring the Fashion Design of Female Body in The Woman’s Pictorial
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设计 Vol.9 No.1, February 23 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/Design.2024.91082 被引量