基于系统功能语言学的生态话语分析Ecological Discourse Analysis Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics
李欣宇 下载量: 16 浏览量: 67
现代语言学 Vol.12 No.8, August 6 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ml.2024.128665 被引量
成人对婴儿面孔注意偏向的影响因素Influencing Factors of Adults’ Attentional Bias towards Infant Faces
李欣宇, 贾丽娜 下载量: 242 浏览量: 396
心理学进展 Vol.14 No.2, February 29 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2024.142108 被引量
基于改进YOLOv7的电机磁瓦缺陷检测方法Motor Magnetic Tile Defect Detection Method Based on Improved YOLOv7
李欣宇, 夏兴华, 韩忠华 下载量: 57 浏览量: 118 科研立项经费支持
计算机科学与应用 Vol.14 No.6, June 26 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/csa.2024.146142 被引量
信息与通信工程交叉学科研究生培养体系的研究与实践Research and Practice of Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Training System of Information and Communication Engineering
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创新教育研究 Vol.11 No.2, February 20 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CES.2023.112041 被引量
延安地区妊娠期妇女甲状腺激素水平参考范围的建立及甲状腺功能分析Establishment of Reference Range of Thyroid Hormone Levels of Pregnant Women in Yan’an Area and Analysis of Thyroid Function
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临床医学进展 Vol.10 No.12, December 18 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2020.1012450 被引量
基于M超图像的气胸自动诊断方法Automatic Diagnosis Method of Pneumothorax Based on M-Ultrasound Image
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建模与仿真 Vol.12 No.4, July 13 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MOS.2023.124323 被引量
血尿酸水平对缺血性脑卒中患者入院病情程度的相关性分析Analysis of the Correlation between Uric Acid Level and Hospital Admission Degree of Patients with Ischemic Stroke
刘照营, 李兴超, 王友芳, 朱晓松, 李淑晓, 车峰远 下载量: 78 浏览量: 186
临床医学进展 Vol.14 No.4, April 29 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/acm.2024.1441323 被引量
造影剂肾病发生的预测模型与相关预测指标研究现状及进展Research Status and Progress of Prediction Models and Related Predictors of the Occurrence of Contrast-Agent Nephropathy
陈海霞, 王 顺 下载量: 322 浏览量: 484
临床医学进展 Vol.13 No.11, November 28 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2023.13112586 被引量
基于网络药理学和分子对接探讨小青龙汤合人参汤防治高原肺水肿的作用机制Exploring Mechanism of Xiaoqinglong Combined with Ginseng Decoction in Preventing High Altitude Pulmonary Edema Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking
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中医学 Vol.12 No.12, December 20 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/TCM.2023.1212518 被引量