日源外来语第三次输入高潮论析Discussion and Analysis on the Third Introduction Climax of Japanese Loanwords
刘少东, 金 鑫 下载量: 3,154 浏览量: 9,379
现代语言学 Vol.1 No.3, November 22 2013, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2013.13017 被引量
中韩基本颜色词的文化内涵的异同——以“白”、“黑”、“红”、“绿”、“黄”为例Similarities and Differences in the Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Words in China and Korea—Taking “White”, “Black”, “Red”, “Green” and “Yellow” as Examples
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现代语言学 Vol.11 No.6, June 30 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.116349 被引量
中高级学习者汉字认读偏误分类及成因研究Research on the Classification and Causes of Chinese Character Recognition Bias among Intermediate and Advanced Learners
唐代林 下载量: 277 浏览量: 490
教育进展 Vol.14 No.2, February 8 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2024.142187 被引量
中国特色文化负载词汉日翻译分析——以《二十大报告》日译本为例Chinese Characteristic Cultural Terminology Translation Analysis in Chinese-Japanese Context—A Case Study of the Japanese Translation of the “20th Congress Report
周慧宇, 张贵生 下载量: 323 浏览量: 748
现代语言学 Vol.12 No.2, February 28 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2024.122126 被引量