“隐秀”之辨Discussion about “Yin Xiu”
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国学 Vol.2 No.2, August 26 2014, PDF, HTML, DOI:10.12677/CnC.2014.22005 被引量
浦安迪在中国奇书叙事分析中的反讽视角Andrew H. Plaks’ Application of Irony to the Narrative Study of Chinese Qishu
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世界文学研究 Vol.5 No.4, December 1 2017, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/WLS.2017.54015 被引量
理工科大学英语专业学术写作“课程思政”的研究与实践Research and Practice on Moral Education through Academic Writing for English Majors in Technology-Oriented Universities
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《饥饿游戏》中“烈焰女孩”之符号意义分析The Semiotic Analysis of the “Girl Catching Fire” in the Hunger Games
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世界文学研究 Vol.5 No.4, December 13 2017, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/WLS.2017.54020 被引量
长江干流水质变化趋势研究Water Quality Change Trends in the Main Stream of Yangtze River
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水资源研究 Vol.9 No.2, February 10 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/JWRR.2020.92016 被引量
雪菊种质资源及其引种栽培研究现状Research Status of Germplasm Resources and Its Introduction of Coreopsis tinctoria
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植物学研究 Vol.8 No.3, May 29 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/BR.2019.83040 被引量
雪菊主要活性成分及其功能与检测方法研究进展The Main Active Ingredient and Its Function and Detection Method of Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt.
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植物学研究 Vol.8 No.3, May 29 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/BR.2019.83037 被引量