恐怖主义新闻标题的批评话语分析:以土耳其反恐英文报道为例Critical Discourse Analysis on the News Headline about Terrorism: A Case Study of the English Reports on Counter-Terrorism from Turkey
曾冬艳, 龚文静, 李 耸 下载量: 1,110 浏览量: 3,527
现代语言学 Vol.6 No.3, August 14 2018, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2018.63057 被引量
中药熏蒸辅助治疗糖尿病足疗效的Meta分析Meta-Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect of Fumigation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Adjuvant Treatment of Diabetic Foot
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临床医学进展 Vol.11 No.11, November 30 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2021.1111818 被引量