湖南省冷链物流企业时空格局演化分析Space-Time Pattern Evolution Analysis of Cold Chain Logistics Enterprises in Hunan Province
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运筹与模糊学 Vol.13 No.6, December 20 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ORF.2023.136680 被引量
FDI对中国产业链创新链融合发展的影响研究Research on the Impact of FDI on the Integration and Development of China’s Industrial Chain and Innovation Chain
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电子商务评论 Vol.13 No.3, August 14 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ecl.2024.133853 被引量
链式养老发展新格局,助力乡村振兴——以粤港澳大湾区江门市为例A New Pattern of Chain Elderly Care Development to Assist Rural Revitalization—Taking Jiangmen City, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an Example
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JNET分型与Pit Pattern分型对结直肠肿瘤性病变的诊断价值比较研究Comparative Study on the Diagnostic Efficacy of the Japan Narrow-Band-Imaging Expert Team Classification and Pit Pattern Classification for Colorectal Neoplastic Lesions
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数字经济驱动产业链韧性提升Digital Economy Drives the Improvement of Industrial Chain Resilience
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电子商务评论 Vol.13 No.3, August 15 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ecl.2024.133887 被引量
新发展格局下湖北省产业升级现状、制约因素及建设路径The Current Situation, Constraints, and Construction Path of Industrial Upgrading in Hubei Province under the New Development Pattern
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社会科学前沿 Vol.12 No.5, May 31 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ASS.2023.125346 被引量
一类自扩散–交叉扩散离散捕食系统的斑图形成The Pattern Formation of a Certain Kind of the Self- and Cross-Diffusion Discrete Predator-Prey System
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应用数学进展 Vol.9 No.6, June 17 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AAM.2020.96103 被引量
基于ARMA-GARCH模型和马尔科夫链的人民币汇率预测RMB Exchange Rate Prediction Based on ARMA-GARCH Model and Markov Chain
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水资源研究 Vol.7 No.4, August 9 2018, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/JWRR.2018.74044 被引量
基于链分解的多标签分类属性约简Attribute Reduction for Multi-Label Classification Based on Chain Decomposition
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数据挖掘 Vol.10 No.4, September 27 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/HJDM.2020.104025 被引量