工作倦怠及其影响因素综述The Review of Job Burnout and its Influence Factors
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心理学进展 Vol.11 No.2, February 24 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2021.112057 被引量
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临床医学进展 Vol.13 No.10, October 9 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2023.13102186 被引量
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临床医学进展 Vol.10 No.5, May 6 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ACM.2020.105109 被引量
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电信运营商员工工作幸福感影响因素研究Study on Influence Factors of Employee’s Job-Related Well-Being of Telecom Operators
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现代管理 Vol.6 No.2, April 15 2016, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MM.2016.62007 被引量
影响发散性思维的情境因素Situational Factors That Influence Divergent Thinking
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认知控制的影响因素The Influence Factors of Cognitive Control
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心理学进展 Vol.8 No.1, January 23 2018, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AP.2018.81002 被引量
基于粗糙集对高等数学课程成绩的影响因素分析Influence Factors of Higher Mathematics Course Grades Based on Rough Set Theory
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理论数学 Vol.11 No.12, December 20 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/PM.2021.1112232 被引量