评价理论视阈下灾难类新闻语篇分析A Discourse Analysis on Disaster News from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
赵子烨 下载量: 488 浏览量: 777
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.2, February 21 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.112072 被引量
近十年SSCI期刊“评价理论”研究综述Appraisal Theory Studies on SSCI Publications from 2009-2018
李雅蓉, 樊葳葳 下载量: 1,217 浏览量: 4,551
现代语言学 Vol.7 No.2, April 23 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2019.72026 被引量
《每日科学》中生物多样性报道的生态话语分析An Ecological Discourse Analysis of Science Daily on Biodiversity Based on Appraisal Theory
何其芳 下载量: 458 浏览量: 629
现代语言学 Vol.10 No.9, September 19 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2022.109258 被引量
评价理论视域下服装广告语篇对比研究A Contrastive Study of Clothing Advertising Texts from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
何晓宇 下载量: 339 浏览量: 3,508
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.3, March 30 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.113157 被引量
评价理论视域下中美新冠疫情报道对比研究A Comparative Study on the Report of the COVID-19 in China and the United States from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
刘静颐 下载量: 397 浏览量: 1,350
现代语言学 Vol.10 No.3, March 29 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2022.103060 被引量
期望理论视域下事业单位绩效考核的实践与优化——以M学院为例Practice and Optimization of Performance Appraisal in Public Institutions from the Perspective of Expectation Theory—Taking M College as an Example
王 琳, 黄 娜 下载量: 230 浏览量: 454
现代管理 Vol.13 No.12, December 13 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MM.2023.1312200 被引量
基于多元智能理论的高职英语教学评价English Teaching Appraisal of Higher Vocational College Based on Theory of Multiple Intelligences
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创新教育研究 Vol.5 No.4, October 20 2017, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CES.2017.54054 被引量
评价理论态度系统下“抗疫白皮书”积极话语分析Positive Discourse Analysis of Fighting Covid-19: China in Action on Attitude System of Appraisal Theory
杨慧敏 下载量: 379 浏览量: 910
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.6, June 15 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.116324 被引量
HY公司绩效考核体系构建研究HY Company Performance Appraisal System Construction Research
于文博, 张明磊, 杜贺, 郭向向, 王旭梅, 栾文君, 冯巨龙 下载量: 1,251 浏览量: 3,076
现代管理 Vol.9 No.4, August 20 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/MM.2019.94061 被引量
评价理论视角下国内主流媒体对“抗疫青年”的媒体形象构建研究A Study of the Construction of Media Image of Anti-Epidemic Youth in Mainstream Chinese Media from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory
刘 骥 下载量: 300 浏览量: 469
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.3, March 17 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.113111 被引量