基于COCA语料库对“Divorce”一词的扩展意义单位研究A Corpus-Based Study on the Extended Meaning Unit of the Word “Divorce” in COCA
刘丽雯 下载量: 0 浏览量: 17
现代语言学 Vol.12 No.9, September 6 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ml.2024.129767 被引量
基于COCA语料库的近义词对比分析——以Assert、Claim、Declare和Proclaim为例Comparative Analysis of Synonyms Based on COCA Corpus—Taking “Assert, Claim, Declare and Proclaim” as Examples
赖倩倩 下载量: 264 浏览量: 545
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.11, November 16 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.1111678 被引量
基于COCA语料库的近义词辨析——以Vague、Obscure和Ambiguous为例Synonym Discrimination Based on COCA Corpus—Taking Vague, Obscure, and Ambiguous as Examples
段彩玉 下载量: 580 浏览量: 1,252
现代语言学 Vol.8 No.6, December 7 2020, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2020.86111 被引量
基于AntConc和COCA的物流英语教材名词分析Noun Analysis of Logistics English Textbook Which Named Based on AntConc and COCA
程梦竹 下载量: 311 浏览量: 497
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.5, May 19 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.115260 被引量
基于COCA语料库的近义动词辨析——以Destroy,Damage和Ruin为例COCA Corpus-Based Study of the Near-Synonymous Verbs—Taking “Destroy”, “Damage” and “Ruin” for Reference
卓淑敏 下载量: 1,533 浏览量: 7,073
现代语言学 Vol.7 No.1, February 14 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2019.71005 被引量
基于COCA语料库的Create施动者隐喻转喻分析Metaphor and Metonymy Analysis of the Agent of “Create” Based on COCA Corpus
熊 聪 下载量: 377 浏览量: 590
现代语言学 Vol.11 No.10, October 18 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2023.1110605 被引量
基于COCA语料库的英语近义词Agitate和Incite辨析A COCA-Based Study on Synonym Discrimination in English—Taking “Agitate” and “Incite” as an Example
韩 丽 下载量: 451 浏览量: 890
现代语言学 Vol.10 No.4, April 29 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2022.104104 被引量
基于语料库COCA对英语语言性别歧视改善的实证研究初探A Corpus-Based Study on Improvement of Linguistic Sexism in English
许晓洁 下载量: 987 浏览量: 2,632
现代语言学 Vol.6 No.5, December 27 2018, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ML.2018.65096 被引量
多模态视觉语法下宣传画广告的语篇分析——以可口可乐饮料为例Discourse Analysis of Advertising Posters under Multimodal Visual Grammar—Taking Coca-Cola as an Example
荀 梦 下载量: 140 浏览量: 373
现代语言学 Vol.12 No.4, April 10 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ml.2024.124224 被引量
中国学生使用英语情绪形容词“Angry”的行为特征Behavior Characteristics of Chinese Students’ Use of English Emotional Adjective “Angry”
钟文清 下载量: 60 浏览量: 111
现代语言学 Vol.12 No.6, June 30 2024, PDF, , XML DOI:10.12677/ml.2024.126505 被引量