刘怡光,博士,四川大学计算机学院教授,视觉与图像实验室主任,四川省学术技术带头人。目前,主持国家自然科学基金、博士点基金、教育部新世纪人才基金、四川省科技厅基金各一项。在IEEE Trans. Neural networks、Pattern Recognition、Theory Computer Science、Physics Letters A、软件学报等杂志发表文章四十余篇,大部分被SCI、EI收录。
2004年 博士,四川大学
1998年 硕士,北京大学
1995年 学士,南京理工大学
2008年 教授,博士生导师,四川大学
2006年 教授,四川大学
2005年 副教授,四川大学
Yiguang Liu, Menglong Yang and Zhisheng You, Video Synchronization Based On Events Alignment, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.33, No.5, July 2012, 1338-1348
Yaqiang Wang, Zhonghua Yu, Yongguang Jiang, Yongchao Liu, Li Chen and Yiguang Liu, A framework and its empirical study of automatic diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine utilizing raw free-text clinical records, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Vol. 45, no. 2, Apr. 2012, 210-223
Yiguang Liu, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Chunguang Li and Zhisheng You, k-NS: a Classi.er by the Distance to the Nearest Subspace, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.22, No.8, Aug, 2011, 1256-1268
Shiyong Lan, Yiguang Liu, Bingbing Liu, etc, E.ect of Slopes in Highway on Tra.c .ow, International Journal of Modern Physics C, April, 2011, 319-331
Yiguang Liu, Bingbing Liu and Saihou Ling, The almost periodic solution of Lotka-Volterra recurrent neural networks with delays, Neurocomputing, vol. 74, no.6, Feb. 2011, 1062-1068
Menglong Yang, Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, The Reliability of Travel Time Forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.11, No.1, March 2010, 162-171
Menglong Yang, Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You, Peng Sheng, Global synchronization for directed complex networks, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol.11, No.3, June 2010, 2127-2135
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You, Bingbing Liu, Delay Independent and Dependent Stability Anal-ysis for Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.19, No.9, Sep. 2009, 3149-3159
Menglong Yang, Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You, Investigation of Fuel Consumption and Pollution Emissions in Cellular Automata, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 47, No. 5, Oct. 2009, 589-597
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Jiliu Zhou, Navier-Stokes-like equations applicable to adaptive cruise control tra.c .ows, European Physical Journal B, Vol. 61, No.3, Mar. 2008, 363-370
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You, Stability analysis for the generalized Hop.eld neural networks with multi-level activation functions, Neurocomputing, Vol.71, No 16-18, Oct. 2008, 3595-3601
Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, Multi-stability and almost periodic solutions of a class of recurrent neural networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 33, no.2, Jul. 2007, 554-563
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, On the Almost Periodic Solution of Cellular Neural Networks with Distributed Delays, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 18, no. 1, Jan. 2007, 295-300
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, A Recurrent Neural Network Computing the Largest Imaginary or Real Part of Eigenvalues of Real Matrices, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 53, No. 1, Jan. 2007, 41-53
Yang Menglong , Yiguang Liu and You Zhisheng, A new cellular automata model considering .nite deceleration and braking distance, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.24, no.10, Sep. 2007, 2910-2913
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, Almost periodic solution of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time varying and continuously distributed delays, Physics Letters A, Vol.364, no.1, Apr. 2007, 17-28
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, On stability of disturbed Hop.eld neural networks with time delays, Neurocomputing, Vol. 69, No. 7-9, Mar. 2006, 941-948
Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, A Concise Functional Neural Network for Computing the Extremum Eigenpairs of Real Symmetric Matrices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3971, Apr 2006, 405-413
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, On the almost periodic solution of generalized Hop.eld neural networks with time-varying delays, Neurocomputing, Vol.69, No.13-15, Aug. 2006, 1760-1767
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, A concise functional neural network computing the largest modulus eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors of a real skew matrix, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 367, No. 3, Dec. 2006, 273-285
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, A novel and quick SVM-based multi-class classi.er, Pattern Recognition, Vol.39, No. 11, Nov. 2006, 2258-2264
Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Liping Cao, On the almost periodic solution of generalized shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with continuously distributed delays, Physics Let-ters A, Vol. 360, No.1, Dec. 2006, 122-130