A Study of Syntactic and Semantic Characteristics of English Passive Voice from the Cognitive Perspective
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作者: 林春*:湖南农业大学,长沙
关键词: 认知被动语态语法语义Cognitive; Passive Voice; Syntactic; Semantic
摘要: 被动语态是各种自然语言的共性范畴,它同人的认知体验密切联系。本文试图在认知视域下,以认知语言学理论为依据,从实际使用的角度,论述和剖析英语被动语态所具有的典型的语法语义特征,旨在从深层揭示英语被动语态的本质,从而帮助学习者提高英语语言应用的能力。
Abstract: Passive voice which is closely contacted to human’s cognitive experience is a general category of language. Based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, the typical syntactic and semantic characteristics of English passive voice have been discussed and analyzed in this paper from the cognitive perspective so as to reveal the essence of English passive voice, aiming to help learners to improve the competence of the appli- cation of English language.
文章引用:林春. 认知视域下英语被动语态的语法语义特征研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 51-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12010


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