CT Findings of the Cervical Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
Purpose: To investigate the CT findings of the cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis. Methods: Plain and con- trast-enhanced CT were performed in 47 cases with cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis confirmed by histopathology. All CT images were reviewed. Results: According to the histopathologic finding, CT findings of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis were classified into four types: 5 cases were type I, tuberculers node and granuloma; 18 cases were type II, lymphoglandula caseousnecrosis; 21 cases were type III, peplos necrosis of the lymphoglandula; 3 cases were type IV, diabrosis of the lymphoglandula caseousnecrosis and invaded the tissue surroundings. Conclusion: CT can demon-strate the pathological abnormalities of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis and play an important role in the diagnosis of the disease.
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