基于F-G-M Copula的一个二元概率模型
A Bivariate Probability Model Based on the F-G-M Copula
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2013.23008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,806  浏览: 12,353 
作者: 高 峰:淮阴工学院数理学院,淮安
关键词: F-G-M CopulaF-G-M二元指数分布弱成分可靠度 F-G-M Copula; F-G-M Bivariate Exponential Distribution; Weaker Component; Reliability

本文通过对F-G-M二元指数分布的弱成分进行改进,得到了一个基于F-G-M Copula的二元概率模型,利用这个模型,讨论了弱成分改进后的串联系统可靠度。

Abstract: In this paper, a bivariate probability model based on the F-G-M copula is derived by improving the weaker component of the F-G-M bivariate exponential distribution. The reliability of the series system after improving the weaker conponent is computed by using this model.

文章引用:高峰. 基于F-G-M Copula的一个二元概率模型[J]. 统计学与应用, 2013, 2(3): 61-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SA.2013.23008