Alliance Chain-Based Information Supervision Platform
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2021.114106, PDF,    科研立项经费支持
作者: 呼帅亮, 于 淼, 胡玉蝶, 陈智卿:郑州大学,河南 郑州
关键词: 联盟链CPK多方认证数据区块嵌套Alliance Chains CPK Multi-Party Authentication Data Block Nesting
摘要: 在信息流动过程中,监管平台对信息的安全性起着重要的影响,目前绝大多数信息监管平台采用的是“区块链 + 应用”的模式运营,而随着区块链应用的发展,基于传统区块链的信息监管平台不断暴露出诸如缺失保护与监督机制、无权威的第三方专业验证机构等新的问题。因此文章对其做出了相应的探索和创新,提出了一种基于联盟链的信息流动监管平台设计方案,利用联盟链、CPK和多方计算技术,并对联盟链技术进一步创新,从而设计出一种较为新颖的、安全高效的信息监管平台。
Abstract: In the process of information flow, the supervisory platform plays an important role in the security of information, and at present, most of the information supervisory platforms are operated in the mode of “blockchain + application”. With the development of blockchain applications, the traditional blockchain-based information supervision platform has been exposed to new problems such as the lack of protection and supervision mechanism and the absence of authoritative third-party professional verification institutions. Therefore, the article makes a corresponding exploration and innovation, and proposes a design scheme of information flow supervision platform based on coalition chain, using coalition chain, CPK and multi-party computing technology, and further innovates the coalition chain technology, so as to design a relatively novel, safe and efficient information supervision platform.
文章引用:呼帅亮, 于淼, 胡玉蝶, 陈智卿. 基于联盟链的信息监管平台[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2021, 11(4): 1034-1041. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2021.114106


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