一类中立型马尔科夫跳跃系统的随机稳定性Stochastic Stability of a Class of Neutral Markovian Jumping Systems
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应用数学进展Vol.8 No.2, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/AAM.2019.82033, February 22 2019
M值随机序列滑动平均的一个强极限定理A Strong Limit Theorem of M-Value Random Sequences on Moving Average
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理论数学Vol.7 No.2, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/PM.2017.72010, March 23 2017
基于社会学领域的国家社科基金项目和论文产出的统计分析A Statistical Analysis of the Output of NSFC Projects and Papers in the Field of Sociology
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基于石墨烯光机械系统的光学三极管和相干光学存贮Optical Transistor and Coherent Optical Storage Based on Graphene Optomechanics System
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应用物理Vol.5 No.10, 全文下载: PDF HTML XML DOI:10.12677/APP.2015.510016, October 29 2015