











20048-20056客座教授,美国富布莱特学者,美国纽约州立大学、巴德学院(Bard College)环境研究中心

19983-19989月 英国利物浦大学城市设计系高级访问学者和合作研究

19946-19969月 英国利物浦大学城市设计系高级访问学者和合作研究




  1. 王祥荣,胡欢,母锐敏,樊正球,2010.铜绿微囊藻降解菌的分离鉴定及其溶藻特性的实验研究. 中国科技论文在线,2010.3
  2. 任晶,王祥荣,郝孟丽,2010.铜绿微囊藻胞内毒素Microcystin-LR提取条件的优化.中国科技论文在线,2010.3
  3. Bo Tian, LiquanZhang, Xiangrong Wang, YunxuanZhou, Wen Zhang.2010.Forecasting the effects of sea-level rise at Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve in theYangtze Delta, Shanghai,China Ecological Engineering 36 (2010) 1383–1388.
  4. 王原,黄玫,王祥荣2010.气候和土地利用变化对上海市农田生态系统净初级生产力的影响.环境科学学报,303):641-648
  5. Yuan Wang; Ze-Min Wu; Xiang-Rong Wang.2009 Urban forest landscape patterns in Ma’anshan City, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 16:5,346 — 355
  6. Z. Q. Fan, S. B. Wang, R. M. Mu, X. R. Wang and X. L. Yuan. 2009.A Simple, Fast, Solvent-Free Method for the Determination of Volatile Compounds in Magnolia grandiflora Linn. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 64(3):289–94.
  7. Yuan Wang, Ruimin Mu, Xiangrong Wang and Zhengqiu Fan.2009.Chemical Composition of Volatile Constituents of Magnolia grandiflora. Chemistry of Natural Compounds.45(2)257-58.
  8. Juan-juan Li, Xiang-rong Wang, Xin-jun Wang, Wei-chun Ma, Hao Zhang.2009. Remote sensing evaluation of urban heat island and its spatial pattern of the Shanghai metropolitan area, China. Ecological Complexity, 2009 (in Press). (Indexed by SCI.)
  9. 顾玉娇许博胡欢王祥荣王寿兵.2009.福州市区饮用水源地环境安全评价与保障措施. Vol . 48,No. 3616-622
  10. 阮晓峰胡欢吴海华王祥荣王寿兵.2009.利用污水处理厂废弃污泥种植裂叶喜林芋的可行性初步研究.复旦学报(自然版)Vol . 48,No. 3406-412.
  11. 阮晓峰、胡欢、王祥荣2009:高校校园绿地景观格局指数评析----以上海3所大学为例复旦学报(自然版)Vol.48,No.1:100-105
  12. 陈呈任、陶松龄、王祥荣2009:全球化背景下城市再发展的文化软实力运用上海城市规划总第84,2009,No.1:11-15
  13. Xiangrong Wang, Yi Yong, Shioxiong Wang,2008.On eco-planning for an eco-demonstration park (EDP) and Sustainability —Case study of the Luhua EDP in the Chongming Island of Shanghai, China. Front.Environ.Sci.Engin.China,2008, 2(2): 178–186
  14. Xiangrong Wang, Yan Shuiyu, Shixiong Wang,Zhang Hao, ect.2008,Assessing the values of ecosystem services of the Yangtze Delta, China, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2008,15:1–7.
  15. Hao Zhang, Wei-chun Ma and Xiang-rong Wang. 2008.Rapid Urbanization and Implications for Flood Risk Management in Hinterland of the Pearl River Delta, China: The Foshan Study .Sensors, 8, 2223-2239
  16. Hao Zhang, Xiangrong Wang, Hon H. Hob, Yi Yong.2008. Eco-health evaluation for the Shanghai metropolitan area during the recent industrial transformation (1990–2003) . Journal of Environmental Management 88 1047–1055
  17. 王寿兵,柏红霞,王祥荣2008中国工业系统各行业综合污染度评价方法与实例中国人口资源与环境,186):127-133
  18. 王寿兵,柏红霞,王祥荣2008上海临港新城产业生态建设对策复旦学报(自然科学版),47(4)467-472.
  19. 邵田张浩邬锦明张镜波王祥荣,2008三峡库区(重庆段)生态系统健康评价环境科学研究 21(2),99-104
  20. 禹莎王原李敬王祥荣,2008北方小型工业城市生态敏感性评价研究——以沙河市大沙河古河道地区为例.复旦学报(自然科学版)47卷第4 20088
  21. Ruimin Mu, Xiangrong Wang, etc.Rapid Determinnation of Volatile Compounds in Toona
  22. sinensis(A.Juss.) Roem. By MAE-HS-SPME Followed by GC-MS. CHROMATOGRAPHIA,2007,65:463-467. (Indexed by SCI.)
  23. Xiao-min Tang, Xiangrong Wang.2007.A comparative Study of the Hills and Water Landscape Visul Features along the River Before and After the Reservoir Constuction in Three Gorges. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Vol.41,No.5
  24. Xiao-min Tang, Xiangrong Wang. 2007.Landscape Visul Environmental Assessment (LVEA): Concept, Origin and Development. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Agricultural Sci.), Vol.25,No.3
  25. 陈鹰、黄磊昌、王祥荣,2007区域旅游规划中集合区旅游资源生态位研究城市规划,Vol.31,No.4:37-41.
  26. Fan Zhengqiu, Xiangrong Wang 2006. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Dehydrin Gene from Capsella bursa-pastoris. Molecular Biology.2006,40 (1) .(Indexed by SCI)
  27. Ruimin Mu, Xiangrong Wang, etc Isolation and Algae-lysing Characteristics of the Algicidal Bacterium B5. Journal of Environmental Science. 2007,19(11)
  28. Hao, Zhang Xiangrong Wang.2007. Land-use dynamics and flood risk in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta:The case of Foshan City.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14: 485–492
  29. Leichang Huang,SuhongYe,Yuzhang,Yaoolive Li, XiangrongWang,Dewen Ding.2007. Microbial Remediation and Optimization of Oil Polluted Wetlands at Dalian Bay in China. Biomedical amd environmental science, 0895-3998, (2007.12): 414-419.
  30. Fan Zhengqiu, Xiangrong Wang 2006.Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Dehydrin Gene from Capsella bursa-pastoris. Molecular Biology2006, 40(1):52-60.
  31. Hao Zhang, Xiangrong Wang, 2006. Leaf developmental stability of Platanus acerifolia under urban Environmental stress and its implication as an environmental indicator. Front. Biol. China. 1(4):411-417



  1. 王祥荣编著,2011,城市生态学(国家十一五规划重点教材),复旦大学出版社
  2. 王祥荣主编,2010,全球变化与河口城市脆弱性评价----以上海为例,北京:科学出版社 (2010.6出版)
  3. 王祥荣、樊正球、母锐敏等著,2011,环境生物技术与水体生态修复,北京:科学出版社
  4. 王祥荣、樊正球等,2009,河口城市气候脆弱性区划(见徐明、马海德著,2009:长江流域气候脆弱性评估,中国水利出版社)
  5. 王祥荣、蒋勇等,2006,长江三峡库区(重庆段)沿江景观生态研究,北京:中国建筑工业出版社
  6. 王祥荣、吴人坚、张浩、王寿兵,2006:中国城市生态环境问题报告,南京:江苏人民出版社
  7. 王祥荣著,2004:生态建设论-中外城市生态建设比较分析,南京:东南大学出版社