






1996 博士,中国科学院大气物理研究所

1988 硕士,中国科学院大气物理研究所

1985 学士,北京大学


  1. Lin W.S., Wang B.M., Li J.N., et al.: The Impact of Urbanization on the Monthly Averaged Diurnal Cycle in October 2004 in the Pearl River Delta Region, Atmósfera, 2010, 23, 37-51
  2. 杜东升,林文实,李江南,杨大勇,叶晓阳:珠江三角洲地区土地利用变化对夏季 6月气候的影响,中山大学学报,2010,第49卷,第1期,138-144 
  3. 麦健华,罗乃兴,赖文锋,林文实:城市化对珠江三角洲热岛效应影响的模拟,热 带地理,2011,第31卷,第2期,187-192
  4. Lin WenShi, Xu Suishan, Sui C.-H.: A numerical simulation of the effect of the number concentration of cloud droplets on Typhoon Chanchu. Meteorol Atmos Phys, 2011, 113, 99–108
  5. Lin Wenshi, Zhang Lu, Du Dongsheng,et al.: Quantification of land use/land cover changes in Pearl River Delta and simulation of its impact on regional climate in summer, Regional Environmental Change, 2009, 9, 75-82
  6. Lin Wenshi, Meng Jinping, Sui C.-H., et al.: A Study of the Microphysical Processes of a Numerically Simulated Heavy Snowfall Event in North China: the Sensitivity of Different Snow Intercept Parameters, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2009, Volume 104, Numbers 1-2, 1-11
  7. Jiang Xueding, Xia Beicheng, Lin Guangfa, and Lin Wenshi: Daily changes of spatial patterns of meteorological elements over Pearl River Delta based on GIS and MM5. Chinese Geographical Science, 2009, Volume 19, Number 1, 69-76
  8. Lin Wenshi, Sui C.-H., Yang Limin, et al.: A numerical study of the influence of urban expansion on monthly climate in dry autumn over the Pearl River Delta, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2007, 89, 63-72