
刘炳泗,天津大学化学系教授。1982 年本科毕业于山东大学化学系, 1991 年硕士毕业于东北大学表面所, 1998 年博士毕业于复旦大学化学系, 1999-2000 年加拿大 Laval 大学进修博士后, 2000-2002 年香港浸会大学进修博士后, 2002-2003.2 年韩国化学研究院 KSTEP 访问科学家。 2004 年后曾多次赴香港大学从事合作研究,现任天津大学化学系教授和博士生导师。




  1. Fazle Subhan, B.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, X.G. Li High desulfurization characteristic of lanthanum loaded mesoporous MCM-41 sorbents for diesel fuel, Fuel Processing Technology 97 (2012) 71–78.
  2. Fazle Subhan,B.S. LiuAcidic sites and deep desulfurization performance of nickel supported mesoporous AlMCM-41 sorbents,Chem. Eng. J., 178 (2011) 69– 77. (二区,SCI875JF, IF. 3.074)
  3. B.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.F. Liu, M. Tian, F.M. Zhang, C.T. Au, A. S.-C. Cheung, Characteristic and mechanism of methane dehydroaromatization over Zn-Based /HZSM-5 catalysts under conditions of atmospheric pressure and supersonic jet expansion, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011), 16954-16962. (SCI: 810SF IF. 4.524)
  4. Z.Y. Wan, B.S. Liu, F.M. Zhang, X.H. Zhao, Characterization and performance of LaxFeyOz/MCM-41 sorbents during hot coal gas desulfurizationChem. Eng. J. 117 (2011), 594-602. (二区,SCI797GQ IF. 3.074)