






1999年至2007年 教授,上海交通大学              

2004年至2005Visting Fellow, 美国哈佛大学

2004年至2005Visting member, 美国Courant数学研究所

2003年至2005年 特约教授,香港城市大学

1997年至1999年 特别研究员,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)

1996年至1997年 访问科学家,理论物理国际中心(意大利)



  1. De-Xing Kong, Introduction on Partial Differential Equations (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2010
  2. Li-Shang Jiang, De-Xing Kong and Zhi-Hao Chen, Lectures on Applied Partial Differential Equations (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2008
  3. De-Xing Kong, Cauchy Problem for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems, MSJ Memoirsa) 6, the Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2000 Research Papers Published in International Journals
  4. De-Xing Kong, Formation and propagation of singularities for 2x2 quasilinear hyperbolic  systems, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 354 (2002), 3155-3179
  5. De-Xing Kong, Qiang Zhang and Qing Zhou, The dynamics of relativistic strings moving in the Minkowski space R^{1+n}, Communications in Mathematical Physics 269 (2007), 153-174
  6. De-Xing Kong and Qiang Zhang, Solution formula and time-periodicity for the motion of relativistic strings in the Minkowski space R^{1+n}, Physica D 238 (2009), 902-922