






20078月至20108  副主任、教授、博士生导师,北京大学光华管理学院管理科学与信息系统系

20011月至20077月   副教授,北京大学光华管理学院管理科学与工程系

199912月至200012月 副教授,北京科技大学

199911月至200011月 博士后、副研究员,中国科学院计算数学所与科学与工程计算研究所

19837月至19887  助教,吉林工业大学



  1. Chen Lihua and Liu Zhongyi, Coordination via Price Self-adaptive Strategy for High-tech Manufacturers, Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  2. Liu Zhongyi, Zhai Xin and Chen Lihua etc., Option Pricing and Production Ratio: A Joint Decision Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  3. Chen Lihua, Wang Wei and Gong Tianxiao, Horizontal Information Sharing in the Cluster Supply Chain, Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  4. Chen Lihua and Wang Liying, VMI Based on Information Sharing in Cluster Supply Chain, Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  5. Chen Lihua, Properties of Supply Chain with Resource Pool, Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  6. Chen Lihua and Yin Weili, Factoring or Reverse Factoring, Proceeding of 2011 POMS Annual Conference, Reno, US, 2011
  7. Chen Lihua and Yin Weili, How many purchase orders should be factored in competitive or uncompetitive financial market?, Proceeding of WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE, Fortieth Annual Meeting, April 5-8, 2011
  8. Lihua Chen, Lan Yingjie, Wang Liying, Auction Models with Resources Pooling in Supply ChainManagement, proceeding of Joint Conference of The 4th International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management and The 15th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, July 25 – 31, 2010, HongKong
  9. Chen Lihua, Ye Yinyu and Zhang Jiawei, ON EQUILIBRIUM PRICING AS CONVEX OPTIMIZATION, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2010,1
  10. Chen Lihua, Yinyu Ye and Jiawei Zhang, A Note on Equilibrium Pricing as Convex Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, NUMB 4858, pages 7-16
  11. Y. Fang, L. Chen, and M. Fukushima, A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection model, European Journal of Operational Research, 2 (March), 185 (2008), pp. 700-715
  12. Chen Lihua, Yinyu Ye and Jiawei Zhang, A Note on Equilibrium Pricing as Convex Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, NUMB 4858, pages 7-16
  13. Chen Lihua, Yinyu Ye and Jiawei Zhang, A Note on Equilibrium Pricing as Convex Optimization, Proceeding of  Workshop on Internet and Network Economics,San Diego, USA, 2007.12
  14. Y. Fang, L. Chen, and M. Fukushima A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection model, European Journal of Operational Research (2007), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.01.002
  15. Lihua Chen, An Optimal Utility Value Method With Majority Equilibrium Public Facility Allocation, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 3, Number 2, May 2007
  16. Lihua Chen et al., Impacts of National Science & Technology Parks on Innovation, Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Soft Science Innovation Nation: Theory and Practice, People’s Publishing House, June 2007,p301-308
  17. Lihua Chen et al., Evaluation Model on the Innovation Knowledge Management of An Enterprise, Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Soft Science Innovation Nation: Theory and Practice, People’s Publishing House, June 2007,p521-527
  18. L. Chen, J. Zhang and N. Deng, A Modified Quasi-Newton Method for Structured Optimization with Partial Information on the Hessian, Computational Optimization and Applications, 3. 2006
  19. P. Nie , L. Chen, and M. Fukushima, Discrete Time Dynamic Stackelberg Games, European Journal of Operational Research, 2.2006
  20. Chen LH, Chen N, Deng XT, et al., Equilibrium prices for resource allocation in grid computing, DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 12 (4): 607-615 AUG 2005
  21. 陈丽华,尹伟力 房勇,单阶段R&D项目与有价证券的混合投资组合情景决策树生成模型,《系统工程理论与实践》,2011年,4
  22. 陈丽华(4),制造商统一定价下的最优营销努力与渠道选择,营销科学学报,2009
  23. 陈丽华,《供应链管理中供需双边拍卖模型》,第六届管理科学与工程论坛论文集,20085
  24. 陈丽华,技术联盟是企业实现自主创新的捷径,科技潮,2008年第4
  25. 陈丽华,北京地区企业技术联盟的发展现状和未来发展建议,中国科技成果,No112007
  26. 张贵林、陈丽华,国家高新开发区与自主创新环境,中国软科学,200612月,P25-28
  27. 陈丽华、张贵林,国家高新开发区与自主创新环境,中国软科学,200612月,P50-53
  28. 张贵林、陈丽华,企业知识创新管理评价模型,中国软科学,200612月,P207-211
  29. 张贵林、陈丽华,国家高新开发区在自主创新中的地位和作用,改革发展稳定---落实科学发展观的伟大实践,p210-2122006
  30. 陈丽华,加速器-中国科技企业孵化器,改革发展稳定---落实科学发展观的伟大实践,p204-2062006