




1995 博士,中国地质大学

1985 硕士,武汉地质学院

1982 学士,武汉地质学院


199712月至今 副研究员、研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所

199712 组长,地球系统科学与可持续发展学科组




  1. Kuang Yaoqiu, Sun Dazhong, The Assessment of Sustainability of Regional Development based on the Supportability of the Resources with Application to the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. Proceedings of IEAS ’97 & IWGIS ’97, Vol.2, 1997749-753
  2. Kuang Yaoqiu, Sun Dazhong, Degradation of Natural Resources by Environmental Pollution-A comparative study between Huizhou city and Zhaoqing city, Chinese Geographic Science, 1999, 9( 4):358-367
  3. Yaoqiu Kuang, Zhenyu Hu. Relation of different origins of SARS with the probability of death rates in the main affected areas.Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology, 2003:11(4):298
  4. Zhenyu Hu, Yaoqiu Kuang, Zhifeng Wu, Chengshuai Liu, Ningsheng Huang, Zhaoyu Zhu, Wei Luo, Tingping yang. Environment quality and its impact on the Local Economy: A Case Study from Dongguan, South China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology.2005, 123: 291-299.
  5. Tingping yang, Yaoqiu Kuang, Zhenyu Hu, Bo Sun. Urbanization in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2005, 12(1):48-54
  6. Liu Yu, Kuang Yaoqiu, Huang Ningsheng, Wu Zhifeng, Xu Lianzhong. Popularizing household-scale biogas digesters for rural sustainable energy development and greenhouse gas mitigation. Renewable Energy, 2008.33(9):2027-2035
  7. Liu Yu, Kuang Yaoqiu, Huang Ningsheng, Wu Zhifeng, Wang Cuiping. CO2 emissions from cement manufacturing and its driving forcesin China. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009, 37(4): 369-382
  8. Qiang Wang, Huan-ning Qiu, Yaoqiu Kuang. Market driven energy pricing necessary to ensure China’s power supply. Energy Policy, 2009, 377):2498-2504
  9. Ya Ma, Yao-qiu Kuang, Ning-sheng Huang. Coupling urbanization analyses for studying urban thermal environment and its interplay with biophysical parameters based on TM/ETM+ imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2010;122):110-118
  10. Wenxiu Wang, Yaoqiu Kuang, Ningsheng Huang. Study on the Decomposition of Factors Affecting Energy-related Carbon Emissions in Guangdong Province, China. Energies, 2011, 412)2249-2272
  11. 匡耀求,孙大中,1998,珠江三角洲经济区可持续发展初步评价,中国人口资源环境,8(专刊):3134
  12. 匡耀求,孙大中,1998,环境污染对自然资源的破坏/从肇庆与惠州市农业增长的对比看大气污染造成的经济损失,地球化学,274373383
  13. 匡耀求,孙大中,基于资源承载力的区域可持续发展评价模式初探,热带地理,1998183):249255
  14. 匡耀求,张开来,1998,湖南省各地(市)可持续发展能力评价。经济地理,186):329335
  15. 匡耀求,谭建军,黄宁生,番禺市农业结构的转变及其效果,热带地理,1999192):147-153
  16. 匡耀求,资源、产业与可持续发展。资源,产业,19994):39
  17. 黄宁生,匡耀求,广东省相对资源承载力与可持续发展研究,经济地理,2000,(2):5256
  18. 匡耀求,乔玉楼,区域可持续发展的评价方法与理论模型研究述评,热带地理,2000204):326330
  19. 匡耀求,黄宁生,胡振宇,广东省各地市耕地面积统计偏差分析,地理科学,200222(6): 730-735
  20. 匡耀求,黄宁生,朱照宇等,试论大地热流对地表环境与生态演变的影响[J],中国地质,200229(1)86-95