






19939 博士,大连理工大学

19909 硕士,大连理工大学

19869 学士,大连理工大学



20121月至7月    客座教授,英国利物浦大学

20097月至9月    访问教授,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学

20027月至12月    客座教授,英国利物浦大学

19971月至19994 博士后,中国石油大学(北京)(原清华化工系)




  1. Na Yang, Rui Wang*. Sustainable technologies for the reclamation of greenhouse gas CO2, Journal of Cleaner Production, 103: 784-792, 2015 (SCI)
  2. Na Yang, Rui Wang*. Molecular sieve supported ionic liquids as efficient adsorbent for CO2 capture, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 80(2) 265275, 2015 (SCI)
  3. Fengli Yu, Rui Wang*. Oxidative desulfurization of diesel using organic salt of polyoxometalate as an efficient and recoverable phase transfer catalyst, Chemistry Letters, 43(6): 834-836, 2014 (SCI)
  4. Fengli Yu, Rui Wang*. Oxidative desulfurization catalyzed by organic-inorganic heteropolyacids as phase transfer catalysts, Acta Chimica Sinica, 72(1): 105-113, 2014 (SCI)
  5. Fengli Yu, Rui Wang*. Deep oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene on simulated oil and real diesel using heteropolyanion substituted hydrotalcite-like compounds as catalysts. Molecules, 2013, 18(11): 13691-13704 (SCI)
  6. Rui Wang*, Gaofei Zhang, Haixia Zhao. Polyoxometalate as effective catalyst for the deep desulfurization of diesel oil. Catal. Today, 149(1-2): 117-121 (SCI)
  7. Rui Wang*, Fengli Yu, Gaofei Zhang, Haixia Zhao. Performance evaluation of the carbon nanotubes-supported Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 as efficient and recoverable catalyst for the oxidative removal of dibenzothiophene. Catal. Today, 150(1-2): 37-41 (SCI)
  8. Gaofei Zhang, Rui Wang*, Fengli Yu, Haixia Zhao. Clean fuel oriented investigation of thiophene oxidation by hydrogen peroxide using polyoxometalate as catalyst, Chem. Pap., 63(5): 617-619 (SCI)
  9. V. A. Matyshak, N. V. Konochov, V. F. Tretjakov, Yu. P. Tulenin, O. N. Silchenkova, V. N. Korchak, Rui Wang. Interaction between NOx and the surface of supported heteropoly compounds: In situ IR spectroscopic data, Kinetics and Catalysis, 52(3): 409-417, 2011 (SCI)