






19959月至20007月 硕士、博士,清华大学,岩土工程

19909月至19957月 双学士,清华大学,水工建筑/环境工程











  1. 2014年,获得清华大学学术新人
  2. 2014年,获得湖北省科技进步奖二等奖(土壤地下水污染处理及场地生态修复的环境岩土工程技术与应用)
  3. 2013年,获得国家技术发明奖一等奖(大型结构与土体接触面力学试验系统研制及应用)
  4. 2012年,作为通讯作者获ASCE-EWRI(美国土木工程师学会环境与水资源分会)理论类最佳论文奖
  5. 2012年,获得中国岩石力学与工程学会青年科技奖(银奖)
  6. 2007年,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
  7. 2005年,入选北京市科技新星计划



  1. 国际土力学及岩土工程学会环境岩土工程专业委员会(ISSMGE-TC215)委员
  2. 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会理事,青年工作委员会主任委员
  3. 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会常务理事,土壤污染与修复技术委员会主任委员美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会员
  4. 美国化学学会(ACS)会员




  1. Wu H, Hu L*, Zhang G. Effects of Electro-Osmosis on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Bentonite[J]. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016: 06016010
  2. Hu L*, Wu H, Zhang L, Zhang P, Wen Q. Geotechnical Properties of mine tailing[J]. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016: 04016220
  3. Xu W J*, Hu L M, Gao W. Random generation of the meso-structure of a soil-rock mixture and its application in the study of the mechanical behavior in a landslide dam[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016, 86: 166-178
  4. Xia Z, Hu L*. Remediation of organics contaminated groundwater by ozone micro-nano bubble[J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2016, 2(57): 1978-1981
  5. Zhang P, Hu L*, Wen Q, et al. A multi-flow regimes model for simulating gas transport in shale matrix[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5(3): 231-235
  6. Wu H, Hu L*, Zhang L, et al. Transport and Exchange Behavior of Ions in Bentonite During Electro-Osmotic Consolidation[J]. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2015, 63(5): 395-403
  7. Zhang P, Hu L*, Meegoda J, Gao S. Micro/Nano-pore Network Analysis of Gas Flow in Shale Matrix. Nature: Scientific Reports, 2015, 5(13501): 13501
  8. Hu L*, Meegoda J, Li H, et al. Study of flow transitions during air sparging using the geotechnical centrifuge. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015, 141(1): 04014048.10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000877
  9. Wu H, Hu L*, Wen Q. Electro-osmotic enhancement of bentonite with reactive and inert electrodes[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 111: 76-82
  10. 李恒震,胡黎明,辛鸿博;微纳米气泡技术应用于污染地下水原位修复研究[J];岩土工程学报,201537S2):115-120
  11. Liu T, Hu L*. (2014). Organic acid transport through a partially saturated liner system beneath a landfill. Geotextile and Geomembrane 42(5): 428-436. October 2014
  12. Wu H, Hu L*. Microfabric change of electro-osmotic stabilized bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 101: 503-509
  13. Pasha A Y, Hu L, Meegoda J N*. Numerical simulations of a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) movement in variably saturated soils with capillary hysteresis. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2014, 51: 1046-1062
  14. Hu L*, Wu H. Mathematical model of electro-osmotic consolidation for soft ground improvement. Geotechnique. 2014, 64(2): 155-164
  15. Li H, Hu L*, Song D, Lin F. Characteristics of Micro-nano Bubbles and Potential Application in Groundwater Bioremediation. Water Environment Research, 2014, 86(9): 844-851
  16. Li H, Hu L*, Song D, Al-Tabbaa A. Subsurface transport behavior of micro-nano bubbles and potential application for groundwater remediation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2014, 11(1), 473-486
  17. HU Liming. Waste management in China. Invited Keynote Speaker, Regional Workshop on Phytocap Technology for Sustainable Waste Containment in Developing Countries in Asia, Colombo, Sri Lanka. May 29-30, 2014
  18. Qingbo WEN, Shulei PAN, Liming HU. Industrial solid waste treatment in China. The 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics 2014 (7ICEG), Melbourne, Australia, 10th-14th November 2014
  19. Pengwei ZHANG, Liming HU. A numerical study of shale gas flow considering pore scale effect. The 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics 2014 (7ICEG), Melbourne, Australia, 10th-14th November 2014
  20. Zhang PW, Wen QB, Hu LM. Numerical Simulation of Contaminant Dynamic Transfer in Dual-domain Model. The 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2013). Shanghai, CHINA. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 864-867: 1379-1385. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.864-867.1379 (EI 20140217192793; ISTP IDS: BA9GT; WOS: 000339362700271)
  21. Qingbo WEN, Liming HU*, Yating YANG, Meng GONG. Application of industrial waste for landfill liner. The 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Aug. 24-28, 2014-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  22. 夏志然,胡黎明*,赵清源;地下水原位修复的臭氧微纳米气泡技术研究;地下空间与工程学报,增刊,201411):2006-2011
  23. 胡黎明;污染地下水原位修复;大会特邀报告,第四届环境岩土工程与土工合成材料学术讨论会,重庆,201411
  24. 胡黎明;污染场地的原位修复;大会特邀报告,第二届岩土工程青年论坛,宜兴,201411
  25. Li HZ, Hu LM*, Xia ZR. Impact of groundwater salinity on bioremediation enhanced by micro-nano bubbles. Materials, 2013, 6, 3676-3687
  26. Wu H, Hu LM*. Analytical solution for axisymmetric electro-osmotic consolidation. Geotechnique. 2013, 63(12): 1074 -1079
  27. Zhang, Hu LM, Pant R, Yu, Wei, Zhang. Effects of interlayer interactions on the nanoindentation behavior andhardness of 2:1 phyllosilicates.Applied Clay Science. 2013, 80-81: 267-280
  28. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. A dynamic two-phase flow model for air sparging. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(12): 1801-1821
  29. Pasha A Y, HU L, Meegoda J N. Back-analysis of centrifugal LNAPL transport data to estimate the soil-water characteristic curve.ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2013, 36(3): 301-309 (SCI135BU, WOS:00031826180000; EI20132216375880)  DOI:10.1520/GTJ20120235 Published: MAY 2013
  30. Pasha A Y, Aflaki E, HU L*, Meegoda J N. Effect of soil fabric on transport of a LNAPL through unsaturated fine grained soils: a centrifugal model study. AHES Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2013, 22(1): 223-240
  31. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. Simulation of Dynamic Two-phase Flow during Multistep Air Sparging, Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 96(1): 173-192
  32. LIU Ting-fa, ZHANG Peng-wei, HU Liming. Experimental study on mechanical characteristics of copper tailing materials with sulfur content. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(S1): 166-169
  33. LIU Ting-fa, ZHANG Peng-wei, WEN Qing-bo, HU Li-ming. Numerical study on performance of anti-seepage liner of landfills. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(S1): 275-281
  34. YANG Ya-ting, GONG Meng, WEN Qing-bo, HU Li-ming. Experimental study on coal gangue applied as anti-seepage and anti-fouling materials. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(S1): 282-286
  35. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. Two Methods for PoreNetwork of Porous Media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36(18): 1954-1970
  36. WU Hui, HU Liming. Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Vacuum Preloading Considering a Radius Related Strain Distribution.Mechanics Research Communications, 2012, 44: 9-14
  37. HULiming, WUWeiling, WUHui. Numerical model of electro-osmosis consolidation in soft clay. Geotechnique, 2012, 62(6): 537-541
  38. Pasha A Y, HU LM, Meegoda J N, Aflaki E, DU JT. Centrifuge modeling of in-situ surfactant enhanced flushing of diesel contaminated soil. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2011, 34(6): 623-633
  39. HULiming, MEEGODA J, DU Jianting, GAOShengyan, WUXiaofeng. Centrifugal Study of Zone of Influence during Air-Sparging. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, RSC, 2011, 13 (9), 2443-2449
  40. Meegoda JN,Hu LM. A Review of Centrifugal Testing of Gasoline Contamination and Remediation.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health20118, 3496-3513
  41. GAO Shengyan, MEEGODA J N, HU Liming*.Microscopic Modeling of Air Migration during Air Sparging. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE, 15(2): 70-79
  42. HU Liming, WU Xiaofeng, LIU Yan, MEEGODA J N, GAO Shengyan. Physical Modeling of Air Flow during Air Sparging Remediation. Environmental Science and Technology, ACS, 2010, 44(10): 3883-3888