






  1. 主要从事材料表面科学与技术的研究工作。先后在国家核心刊物上发表论文近50篇,论文总引文率60余次。主持完成了10余项国家及企业项目,近年完成了多项国家基金课题研究。曾获湖北省科技进步三等奖,重庆市科技进步三等奖等。获10余项国家发明专利。主要制定了GB/T《金属覆盖层钢铁制品热浸镀铝技术条件》的国家标准及多项企业标准。建立了超声镀铝实验系统、微等离子表面陶瓷化实验系统以及真空阴极弧离子镀膜装备系统,建立了镀膜过程的等离子体环境langmuir采集与软件分析系统。
  2. 在科研上,以提高材料的抗烧蚀和耐强磨损能力为目标,通过对热浸稀土铝镀层组织演变及力学特性的透射电镜(TEM)研究,从理论上建立镀层生长的基本模型和表层材料的优化准则。探索出镀层厚度随时间变化的三个阶段的基本规律。提出超声振动制备热浸稀土铝的新方法。针对金属表面陶瓷化研究,提出了PEO瞬态伏安特性曲线数据的实际测量方法,从电化学测量角度,揭示出了陶瓷层生长阶段的三个不同特征。在工程应用上,针对发动机轻量化问题,在铝表面制备了陶瓷层,并应用与发动机缸体,在单缸汽油机缸体上获得使用。


  1. 铝层对HDA/PEO复合涂层界面应力影响分析,材料热处理学报,272103-1062006
  2. 稀土铈对热浸镀铝层组织和性能的影响,机械工程材料,30677-792006
  3. 铝镀层转化为陶瓷层的演化规律研究,无机材料学报,223534-5382007
  4. 等离子体电解沉积的研究现状,力学进展,2004342):237
  5. 热浸铝钢等离子体电解氧化陶瓷层的微观力学特性,金属学报,441):119-1242008
  6. 铝合金表米等离子电解氧化陶瓷涂层在NaCl溶液中的电化学阻抗谱研究,无机材料学报,234):783-7882008
  7. 等离子体电解氧化过程放电特征研究,材料热处理学报,2009303):150-153
  8. Formation and Structure of Composite Coating of HDA and Micro-plasma Oxidation on A3 Steel. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 14(special 2): 310-314, 2004
  9. Preparation and characterization of amorphous layer on aluminum alloy formed by PED, Transactions of materials and heat treatment, 25(5): 1084, 2004
  10. Amorphous coatings deposited on aluminum alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 15(3): 1-6, 2005
  11. Correlation between discharge i-V property and the coatings microstructure on aluminum alloy during plasma electrolytic oxidation,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 16, 1097-1102, 2006
  12. Finite element analysis on stresses field of normalized layer thickness within ceramic coating on aluminized steel. Trans. Nonferrus Met. Soc.China. 17(5): 934-936, 2007
  13. Structure and mechanical properties of ceramic coatings fabricated by plasma electrolytic oxidation on aluminized steel. Applied Surface Science. 253: 8398-8403, 2007
  14. Interface fracture property of PEO ceramic coatings on aluminum alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 202(17): 4204-4209, 2008
  15. Growth mechanism and corrosion behavior of ceramic coatings on aluminum produced by Autocontrol AC pulse PEO, Surface and Coatings Technology, 202(19): 4602-4612,2008
  16. The mechanism of PEO process on Al-Si alloys with the bulk primary silicon. Applied surface science,235(20):8398-8403, 2009
  17. The crack propagating behavior of composite coatings prepared by PEO on aluminized steel during In-situ tensile processing, Materials science and engineering A. 2010.10.027.(in press)