







  1. 2012年至2013 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(No.51110105012):基于状态空间的大型空调系统及建筑气流质、能迁移仿真模型研究,主持
  2. 2011年至2013 国家自然科学基金项目(No.51076100):基于状态空间的集中空调系统动态仿真模型研究,主持
  3. 2008年至2010 国家自然科学基金项目(No.50708057):基于超声技术的空调用固体除湿剂再生机理研究,主持
  4. 2005年至2007 国家自然科学基金项目(No.50478018):基于医学的自然和空调环境下人体健康与热舒适研究,主要负责人


  1. 2013年至2015 上海闵行区校企合作技术创新专项基金(No.2013MH094):火力发电厂湿烟囱烟囱雨治理基础研究,主持
  2. 2013年至2014 东南大学能源热转换及其过程测控教育部重点实验室开放基(No.2013001):除湿溶液超声波强化再生机理及特性研究主持
  3. 2012年至2014 上海市浦江学者人才计划项目(No.PJ2012):低品位能源驱动的溶液除湿空调系统关键技术研究,主持     
  4. 2008年至2010 国家教育部高等学校博士点科研基金(No.20070248118):基于超声波再生技术的固体除湿空调系统研究,主持
  5. 2008年至2010 浙江省自然科学基金项目(No.Y606238):斜槽式径扭复合振动压电超声马达定子模态转换机理研究,第二负责人


  1. Ye Yao, Shiqing Liu(). Ultrasonic Technology for Desiccant Regeneration [M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2014 (330 Pages) ISBN: 978-7-313-10867-8, 该英文学术专著成功入选2014“经典中国国际出版工程”和2014年“上海高校服务国家重大战略出版工程”,并获上海交通大学学术出版基金资助
  2. 姚晔(著),集中空调系统状态空间建模及优化控制[M],北京:科学出版社,ISBN:978-7-03-037630-5,20137月(共36万字)
  3. Ye Yao,Weiwei Wang, Kun Yang. Mechanism Study on the Enhancement of Silica Gel Regeneration by Power Ultrasound with Field Synergy Principle and Mass Diffusion Theory. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 90(11): 769780 (SCI/EI)
  4. Ye Yao,Weiwei Wang, Mengwei Huang. A State-space Dynamic Model for Vapor Compression Refrigeration System Based on Moving-boundary Formulation. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, Accepted (SCI/EI)
  5. Ye Yao,K. Yang,W. Zhang,S.Liu.Parametric Study on Silica Gel Regeneration by Hot Air Combined with Ultrasonic Field Based on a Semi-theoretic Model.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2014, 84(10): 89-103 (SCI/EI)
  6. Ye Yao,KunYang,Shiqing Liu.Study on the Performance of Silica Gel Dehumidification System with Ultrasonic-assisted Regeneration. Energy,2014, 66(3): 799-809 (SCI/EI)
  7. KunYang,Ye Yao (通讯作者), Shiqing Liu. Separation of ultrasonic contributions and energy utilization characteristics of ultrasonic regeneration. AIChE Journal,2014, 60(5)1843-1853 (SCI/EI
  8. Ye Yao, Mengwei Huang, Jingqiu Mo, Shanqi Dai. State-Space Model for Transient Behavior of Water-to-Air Surface Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 66(9): 173-192 (SCI/EI)
  9. Ye Yao, Kunyang, Mengwei Huang. A State-space Model for Dynamic Response of Indoor Air Temperature and Relative Humidity. Building and Environment, 2013, 64(6): 2637 (SCI/EI)
  10. Ye Yao, Mengwei Huang, Kunyang. State-Space Model for Dynamic Behavior of Vapor Compression Liquid Chiller. International Journal of Refrigeration,2013,36(8): 2128-2147 (SCI/EI)
  11. KunYang,Ye Yao(通讯作者). Investigation on applying ultrasonic to the regeneration of a new honeycomb desiccant. International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2013, 72(10): 159171 (SCI/EI)
  12. Mengwei Huang, Ye Yao(通讯作者). Modeling of a Vapor-compression Chiller for Performance Study. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration,2013, 21(4): 1350025 
  13. Ye Yao, Weijiang Zhang, KunYang et.al. Theoretical model on the heat and mass transfer in silica gel packed beds during the regeneration assisted by high-intensity ultrasound. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(23-24): 71337143 (SCI/EI)
  14. KunYang ,Ye Yao (通讯作者) Effect of applying ultrasonic on the regeneration of silica gel under different air conditions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012, 61(11): 67-78 (SCI/EI)
  15. 姚晔,超声波技术在空调除湿剂强化再生中的应用研究进展,制冷学报,2012336):12-18 
  16. 戴善其,莫锦秋,姚晔*(通讯作者),基于状态空间的空调用表面换热器动态建模.制冷学报,2012332):1-6 
  17. Ye Yao, Weijiang Zhang,Beixing He. Investigation on the Kinetic Models for the Regeneration of Silica Gel by Hot Air Combined with Power Ultrasonic. Energy Conversion and Management, 201152 (10): 3319-3326 (SCI/EI)
  18. Weijiang Zhang, Ye Yao*(通讯作者), Beixing He, Rongshun Wang. The energy-saving characteristic of silica gel regeneration with high-intensity ultrasound. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(6): 2146-2156 (SCI/EI)
  19. 刘世清, 姚晔,管形径向复合压电陶瓷超声换能器,上海交通大学学报,2011452):252-256EI
  20. Ye Yao, Jing Chen. Global Optimization of a Central Air-conditioning System Using Decompositioncoordination Method. Energy and Buildings, 2010, 42(5): 570-583 (SCI/EI)
  21. Ye Yao, Li Wang. Energy Analysis on VAV System with Different Air-side Economizers in China. Energy and Buildings, 2010, 42(8): 12201230 (SCI/EI)
  22. Ye Yao. Using Power Ultrasound for the Regeneration of Dehumidizers in Desiccant Air-conditioning Systems: A Review of Prospective Studies and unexplored issues. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2010, 14(7): 1860-1873 (SCI/EI)
  23. Weijiang Zhang, Ye Yao*(通讯作者), Rongshun Wang. Influence of Ultrasonic Frequency on the Regeneration of Silica Gel by Applying High-intensity Ultrasound. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(14): 2081-2087 (SCI/EI)
  24. 胡益雄,姚晔,空气处理机组夏季优化节能运行工况的确定,暖通空调,2010401):55-60 
  25. Ye Yao, Zhiwei Lian, Weiwei Liu, Chunxiao Jiang. Heart rate variation and electroencephalograph the potential physiological factors for thermal comfort study. Indoor Air, 2009, 19(2)93-101 (SCI/EI)
  26. Ye Yao, Shiqing LiuWeijiang Zhang. Regeneration of Silica Gel Using Ultrasonic Under Low Temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23 (1) : 457-463 (SCI/EI)
  27. Ye Yao, Weijiang Zhang, Shiqing Liu. Feasibility study on power ultrasound for regeneration of silica gelA potential desiccant used in air-conditioning system. Applied Energy, 200986(11): 2394-2400 (SCI/EI)
  28. Ye Yao, Weijiang Zhang, Shiqing Liu. Parametric Study of High-intensity Ultrasonic for Silica Gel Regeneration. Energy and Fuels, 2009, 23(6): 3150-3158 (SCI/EI)
  29. 刘世清姚晔林书玉,径扭复合模式盘形压电超声换能器,机械工程学报,2009,456):176-180EI)