
朱斌,博士,瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)能源技术系教授级高级研究员、博士生导师。20多年来从事在新一代先进燃料电池研究,具有国际领先研究的成果,开创并建立了纳米复合材料的低温陶瓷燃料电池/氧化物燃料电池领域和自己独特的先进燃料电池研究领域。1996年至今先后担任GETT-KTH燃料电池研究室主任,芬兰Aalto大学(前Helsinki技术大学)访问教授,新加坡南洋理工大学访问教授,中国科技大学和天津大学客座教授,哈尔滨工程大学兼职教授,中国科技大学客座教授,哈尔滨工程大学教授,天津大学客座教授,芬兰Aalto University 访问教授,南洋理工大学访问教授国家教育部春晖计划清华大学春晖学者。是美国能源部Dept of Energy),加拿大国家自然科学工程研究理事会(Canadian Nature Science Engineering Research Council 和新加坡科技局(Singapore Agency for Sci.Tech&Res邀请的燃料电池的国际评审专家。






1997年12月 博士后,瑞典Uppsala大学Anstrom实验室薄膜物理/燃料电池专业

1995年9月  博士,瑞典Chalmers技术大学物理和工程系材料物理/燃料电池专业



2010年以来,开创了氧化铈基复合电解质的低温氧化物燃料电池(LTSOFC)专题,发表了70多篇论文,在燃料电池和高能电池领域已发表200多篇学术论文。关键技术和材料已申报多国专利(国际专利已在20多个国家登记,并在美国、中国澳大利亚等国获得授权)。在2000年建立以自己专利为基础的瑞典耀达国际技术发展公司(Goeta Technology Developer International);2004年又融资建立了瑞典GETT国际燃料电池股份公司进行专利技术的市场开发和产品的研发。不仅具有国际领先的研究成果、市场化技术和丰富的产品研发经验,同时也开创并建立了纳米复合材料的低温陶瓷燃料电池/氧化物燃料电池领域和自己独特的先进研究领域。

  1. Zhu, Bin, Rizwan Raza, Ghazanfar Abbas and Manish Singh. An Electrolyte-Free Fuel Cell Constructed from One Homogenous Layer with Mixed Conductivity. Adv Funct Mater, 21 (2011) 2465
  2. Zhu, B., Raza, R., Abbas, G. and Singh, M. (2011), An Electrolyte-Free Fuel Cell Constructed from One Homogenous Layer with Mixed Conductivity. Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (2011) 2465–2469
  3. Zhu, Bin, Rizwan Raza, Haiying Qin, Qinghua Liu and Liangdong Fan. A Fuel cells based on electrolyte and non-electrolyte separators. Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4(8), 2986-2992
  4. Zhu, Bin, Ying Ma, Xiaodi Wang, Rizwan Raza, Haiying Qin and Liangdong Fan. A fuel cell with a single component functioning simultaneously as the electrodes and electrolyte. Electrochem Commun, 13 (2011) 225    
  5. Zhu, Bin, Haiying Qin, Rizwan Raza, Qinghua Liu, Liangdong Fan, Janne Patakangas and Peter Lund. A single-component fuel cell reactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy. 36 (2011) 8536
  6. Zhu, Bin, Rizwan Raza, Haiying Qin and Liangdong Fan. Single-component and three-component fuel cells. J Power Sources, 196 (2011) 6362
  7. Qin, Haiying, Zhigang Zhu, Qinghua Liu, Yifu Jing, Rizwan Raza, Syedkhalid Imran, Manish Singh, Ghazanfar Abbas and Bin Zhu. Direct biofuel low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Energy Environ Sci, 4 (2011) 1273
  8. Wang, Xiaodi, Ying Ma, Shanghua Li, Abdel-Hady Kashyout, Bin Zhu and Mamoun Muhammed. Ceria-based nanocomposite with simultaneous proton and oxygen ion conductivity for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. J Power Sources, 196 (2011) 2754
  9. Raza, Rizwan, Qinghua Liu, Jawad Nisar, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma and Bin Zhu. nO/NiO nanocomposite electrodes for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Electrochem Commun In Press (2011) 
  10. Raza, Rizwan, Ghazanfar Abbas, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma and Bin Zhu. Electrochemical study of the composite electrolyte based on samaria-doped ceria and containing yttria as a second phase. Solid State Ionics, 188 (2011) 58
  11. Fan, Liangdong, Chengyang Wang, Mingming Chen, Jing Di, Jiaming Zheng and Bin Zhu. Potential low-temperature application and hybrid-ionic conducting property of ceria-carbonate composite electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells.  Int J Hydrogen Energy In Press (2011)
  12. Raza, Rizwan and Bin Zhu. Microwave Sintered Nanocomposite Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 11 (2011) 5450
  13. Gao, Zhan, Rizwan Raza, Bin Zhu and Zongqiang Mao. Development of methanol-fueled low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Int J Energy Res, 35 (2011) 690
  14. Raza, Rizwan, Bin Zhu and Torsten H. Fransson. Zn0.6Fe0.1Cu0.3/GDC Composite Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. J Fuel Cell Sci Technol, 8 (2011) 031010
  15. Gao, Zhan, Rizwan Raza, Bin Zhu and Zongqiang Mao. Electrochemical Characterization on SDC/Na2CO3 Nanocomposite Electrolyte for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 11 (2011) 5413
  16. Abbas, Ghazanfar, Rizwan Raza, M. Ashraf Chaudhry and Bin Zhu. Preparation and Characterization of Nanocomposite Calcium Doped Ceria Electrolyte With Alkali Carbonates(NK-CDC)for SOFC. J Fuel Cell Sci Technol, 8 (2011) 041013
  17. Raza, Rizwan, Ghazanfar Abbas, S. Khalid Imran, Imran Patel and Bin Zhu. GDC-Y2O3 Oxide Based Two Phase Nanocomposite Electrolyte. J Fuel Cell Sci Technol, 8 (2011) 041012   
  18. Raza, Rizwan, Zhan Gao, Tavpraneet Singh, Gajendra Singh, Song Li and Bin Zhu. LiAlO2-LiNaCO3 Composite Electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 11 (2011) 5402
  19. Bin Zhu, Functional Nanocomposites for advanced fuel cell technology, J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 11 (2011)
  20. Jing, Yifu, Haiying Qin, Qinghua Liu, Manish Singh and Bin Zhu. Synthesis and electrochemical performances of LiNiCuZn oxides as anode and cathode J Nanosci Nanotechnol (2011)
  21. Raza, Rizwan, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma, Xiangrong Liu and Bin Zhu. Improved ceria-carbonate composite electrolytes. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2684
  22. Ma, Ying, Xiaodi Wang, Rizwan Raza, Mamoun Muhammed and Bin Zhu. Thermal stability study of SDC/Na2CO3 nanocomposite electrolyte for low-temperature SOFCs. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2580
  23. Raza, Rizwan, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma and Bin Zhu. A nanostructure anode(Cu0.2Zn0.8)for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell at 400-600 °C. J Power Sources, 195 (2010) 8067
  24. Raza, Rizwan, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma and Bin Zhu, Study on calcium and samarium co-doped ceria based nanocomposite electrolytes. J Power Sources, 195 (2010) 6491  
  25. Chen, Mingming, Chengyang Wang, Xiaomeng Niu, Shuo Zhao, Jian Tang and Bin Zhu. Carbon anode in direct carbon fuel cell. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2732
  26. Lapa, C. M., F. M. L. Figueiredo, D. P. F. de Souza, L. Song, B. Zhu and F. M. B. Marques. Synthesis and characterization of composite electrolytes based on samaria-doped ceria and Na/Li carbonates. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2953
  27. Li, Song and Juncai Sun. Electrochemical performances of NANOCOFC in MCFC environments. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2980
  28. Zhe, Yuan, Lin Qizhao and Bin Zhu. Thermodynamic analysis of ITSOFC hybrid system for polygenerations. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 2824
  29. Tang, Zhiguo, Qizhao Lin, Bengt-Erik Mellander and Bin Zhu. SDC-LiNa carbonate composite and nanocomposite electrolytes. Int J Hydrogen Energy 35 (2010) 2970
  30. Di, Jing, Mingming Chen, Chengyang Wang, Jiaming Zheng, Liangdong Fan and Bin Zhu. Samarium doped ceria-(Li/Na)2CO3 composite electrolyte and its electrochemical properties in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell. J Power Sources, 195 (2010) 4695
  31. Di, J, MM Chen, CY Wang, JM Zheng and B Zhu. Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with SDC-Carbonate Electrolytes, Advanced Materials Research, 105-106 (2010) 687
  32. Raza, R., G. Abbas, B. Zhu and Asme (2010). GDC-Y2O3 Oxide Based Two Phase Nanocomposite Electrolytes. New York, Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers