




1996 博士,山东大学

1990 硕士,山东大学

1987 学士,山东大学


  1. Shanshan Yu, Hui Yang, Yingmei Chai, Yingying Liu, Qiuxia Zhang, Xinbiao Ding, Qian Zhu*. 2013. Molecular cloning and characterization of a C-type lectin in roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology (SCI), 34(2): 582-592
  2. Yingying Liu, Shanshan Yu, Yingmei Chai, Qiuxia Zhang, Hui Yang, Qian Zhu*. 2012. Lipopolysaccharide-induced gene expression of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 and interleukin-1β in roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus), Fish and Shellfish Immunology (SCI), 33(4): 690-698
  3. Yingmei Chai, Shanshan Yu, Qian Zhu*. 2012. The molecular cloning and characteristics of a fibrinogen-related protein (TfFREP1) gene from roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology (SCI), 33(3): 614-618
  4. Yingying Liu, Shanshan Yu, Yingmei Chai, Qian Zhu*. 2012. Transferrin gene expression in response to LPS challenge and heavy metal exposure in roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology (SCI), 32(1): 223-229
  5. Xiang Li, Yingying Liu, Athanasia C. Tzika, Qian Zhu*, Karine Van Doninck, Michel C. Milinkovitch. 2011. Analysis of global and local population stratification of finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides in Chinese waters. Marine Biology (SCI), 158(8): 1791-1804
  6. ZHAO Qi, ZHU Qian*, 2011. Taxonomic and genetic status of lancelet in Weihai coastal waters based on mitochondrial DNA sequence. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (SCI), 29(3): 623-632
  7. Xiang Li, Athanasia C. Tzika, Yingying Liu, Karine Van Doninck, Qian Zhu*, Michel C. Milinkovitch. 2010. Preliminary genetic status of the spotted seal Phoca largha in Liaodong Bay (China) based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses. Trends in Evolutionary Biology, 2(6): 33-38
  8. Yingmei Cai, Shaneshan Yu, Xiaofan Zhao, Qian Zhu, Jin-Xing Wang. 2010. Comparative proteomicprofiles of the hepatopancreasin Fenneropenaeus chinensis response to white spotsyndrome virus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology (SCI), 1-7
  9. 高海霞,侯旭光,祝茜*2010,黑足鲍COⅠ基因序列在遗传分析中的初步研究,海洋科学,3411):14-17
  10. 祝茜,2010SOS来自鲸豚的呼救,人与生物圈,637
  11. 周灿,祝茜,刘焕章,2010,长江上游圆口铜鱼生长方程的分析,四川动物,294):510-516
  12. 吴福星,王先艳,闫晨曦,祝茜*2012,抗风浪网箱中南瓶鼻海豚的行为观察,台湾海峡,314):523-529
  13. 祝茜,2012,福建省平潭县搁浅死亡的灰鲸,CetokenNewsletter294-5
  14. 祝茜,王先艳,2012,海洋濒危动物的保护,海洋生态系统最新进展研究,张玉生主编,中国科学技术出版社,106-107112,115-116
  15. 赵丽媛,陶翠花,许敏,祝茜*2012,中华白海豚SRAP分子标记多态性的初步研究,台湾海峡,312):195-201
  16. 王先艳,妙星,吴福星,闫晨曦,刘文华,祝茜*2012,厦门至珠江口间沿岸海域中华白海豚分布的调查研究,台湾海峡,312):225-230
  17. 张婷,祝茜*2011,辽东湾斑海豹MHC-DQB基因的遗传多样性分析,兽类学报,313219-225
  18. 王先艳,吴福星,妙星,牟剑锋,童慎汉,祝茜*2013,福建平潭一头误捕灰鲸的部分形态学记录,兽类学报,331):18-27
  19. 牟剑锋,陶翠花,丁晓辉,吴福星,妙星,王先艳,祝茜,2013,中国沿岸海域海龟的种类和分布的初步调查,应用海洋学报,322):238-242294