
吴小毛,理学博士,贵州大学教授,硕士生导师,贵州古茶树保护与利用专家委员。近五年主持国家自然科学基金、贵州省科学技术基金、贵州省重大专项子课题、贵州省科技支撑计划、贵州省烟草专卖局科技专项等10余项科研项目;获贵州省科学技术进步三等奖1项;获发明专利授权3项、实用新型专利5项;制定地方标准2项;发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录12篇、EI收录3篇。担任Agricultural and Food ScienceJournal of Food Agriculture & EnvironmentJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、农产品质量与安全、食品科学等国内外刊物审稿专家;担任国家自然科学基金评审专家、贵州省科学技术基金和科技支撑计划项目同行评议专家。






20079月至20117  博士,贵州大学

20029月至20057  硕士,浙江大学

19989月至20027  学士,贵州大学



  1. Wu XM, Long YH, Li JH, Li RY, Liu RX, Li M. Degradation of metolachlor in tobacco field soil. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2015, 24(4):398-410
  2. Wu XM, Long YH, Li YR, Liu RX, Li M. Effects of napropamide on microbiological characteristics of tobacco rhizosphere soil and its dissipation. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 14(1),151-159
  3. Long YH, Li RY, Wu XM*. Degradation of S-metolachlor in soil as affected by environmental factors. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 14(1)189-198
  4. Wu XM, Li M, Long YH, Liu RX, Fang H, Yu YL. Adsorption, mobility and degradation of diphenamid in Chinese soils. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2012, 16(4):547-553
  5. Wu XM, Li M, Long YH, Liu RX, Yu YL, Fang H, Li SN. Effects of adsorption on degradation and bioavailability of metolachlor in soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2011, 11(3):83-97
  6. Wu XM, Yu YL, Li M, Long YH, Fang H, Li SN. Prediction of bioavailability of chlorpyrifos residues in soil to earthworms. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2011, 11(1): 44-57
  7. Rong-Yu Li, Xiao-Mao Wu(同等贡献第一作者), Xian-Hui Yin,You-Hua Long, Ming Li. Naturally produced citral can significantly inhibit normal physiology and induce cytotoxicity on Magnaporthe grisea. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2015,118:19-25
  8. Rong-Yu Li, Xiao-Mao Wu, Xian-Hui Yin, Jing-Nan Liang, Ming Li. The natural product citral can cause significant damage to the hyphal cell walls of Magnaporthe grisea. Molecules, 2014, 19:10279-10290
  9. Yu Y L, Wu XM, Li SN, Fang H, Yu JQ. An exploration of relationship between adsorption and bioavailability of pesticides in soil to earthworm. Environmental Pollution, 2006, 141(3):428-433
  10. Yu YL, Wu XM, Li SN, Tan YJ, Fang H, Yu JQ. Bioavailability of butachlor and myclobutanil residues in soil to earthworms. Chemosphere,2005,59: 961-967
  11. Yu YL, Fang H, Wang X, Wu XM, Shan M, Yu JQ. Characterization of a fungal strain capable of degrading chlorpyrifos and its use in detoxification of the insecticide on vegetables. Biodegradation, 2006, 17: 487-494
  12. Fang H, Yu YL, Wang X, Shan M, Wu XM, Yu JQ. Dissipation of chlorpyrifos in pakchoi-vegetated soil in a greenhouse. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18 (4):760-764
  13. 吴小毛李荣玉 龙友华胡安龙。菌核净在植烟土壤及烟叶中的消解动态农药学学报,2013,15(1):65-72
  14. 吴小毛 李荣玉龙友华噻虫嗪在茶叶和土壤中的消解规律研究湖北农业科学,2013, 52(17):4214-4217
  15. 龙友华 吴小毛*,李明 叶面施硒对猕猴桃含硒量、镉铅积累及品质的影响食品科学,2016, 27(11) :74-78
  16. 龙友华 吴小毛*, 土壤施用硒肥对猕猴桃含硒量、镉铅积累及品质的影响(英文)。食品科学,2016, 27(13) :82-88
  17. 龙友华,吴小毛*。敌草胺在土壤中的吸附及其与持久性和生物有效性之间的关系(英文)。农药学学报,2016, 18(5): 633-643
  18. 吴小毛*,龙友华 李荣玉尹显慧一株敌草胺降解菌的分离鉴定及降解性能应用生态学报,2016, 27(10):3371-3378