




  1. 2010年获何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖
  2. 2006年获长江学者奖励计划特聘教授
  3. 2004年获国家自然科学二等奖
  4. 2004年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者
  5. 2003年被聘为西安交通大学“腾飞人才特聘教授”
  6. 2002年被国务院批准为享受政府特殊津贴的专家
  7. 2001年获国家级优秀教学成果一等奖
  8. 1997年获教育部科技进步一等奖


  1. He Y.L., Tao W.Q., Zhao T.S., Chen Z.Q. Steady natural convection in a titlted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface, Part 1: theoretical modeling and numerical treatments. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:Applications, 2003, 44(4): 375-397
  2. He Y.L., Tao W.Q., Zhao T.S., Chen Z.Q. Steady natural convection in a titlted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface, Part 2:Heat transfer rate ,flow patterns and temperature distribuions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2003, 44(4): 399-431
  3. He,Y.L., Gao,C.M., Xu,M.Y., Chen,Z.Q., Tao,W.Q. Numerical simulation of convergent and divergent tapered pulse tube cryocoolers and experimental verification. Cryogenics, 2001, 41(10): 699-740
  4. He Y.L., Wu M., Tao W.Q., Chen Z.Q.. Improvement of the thermal performance of pulse tube refrigerator by using a general principle for enhancing energy transport and conversion processes. Applied Thermal Energy, 24(2004), 79-93
  5. He Y.L., Tao W.Q., Qu Z.G.,Chen Z,Q. Sready natural convection in a vertical cylindrical envelope with adiabatic lateral wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2004, 47, 3131-3144