
方志祥,工学博士,武汉大学教授。中国地理信息产业协会理论与方法工作委员会委员、中国城市科学研究会高级会员和城市大数据专业委员会委员、中国GIS协会第一届应急工作委员会委员、中国交通地理信息系统协会会员、世界交通运输大会智慧公交系统技术委员会委员、ACM SIGSpatial China创会委员、国际华人地理信息科学协会(CPGIS)会员、ISPRS-Working Group V/I Member-Land- based Mobile Mapping System成员,以及Association of American Geographers (AAG)Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)成员。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,参与2项国家重点研发计划项目、2项国家自然科学基金重点项目、2973计划、2项国家863计划、1项教育部科学技术研究重点项目等纵向研究课题,发表论文100余篇(其中SCI/SSCI论文50)。担任《Smart Cities》、《地球信息科学学报》的专刊责任编辑;《Heliyon》、《Journal of Smart Cities》、《交通技术》等杂志编委;2017-2019 W2GIS2017-2019世界交通运输大会、2019国际地理信息科学周(面向城市计算的地理空间智能国际会议等)2019国际移动测量大会、2015 The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable Computing and Internet of Things, ICDM 14 workshop Spatial Big Data Mining and Visualization等国际会议的program committee, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Transportation Research Part A/C/E/F, Journal of Transport Geography, Applied Geography, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, Information Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, Landscape and Urban Planning50SCI/SSCI期刊的特邀审稿人。






2002年至2005年 博士,武汉大学摄影测量与遥感专业

1999年至2002年 硕士,武汉大学

1995年至1999年 学士,焦作工学院测量工程系



2014年至今    教授,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室

2008年至2014年 副教授,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室

2006年至2008年 讲师,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室

2005年至2006年 助教,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室



  1. 2019. Hongchu Yu, Zhixiang Fang*, Feng Lu, Alan T Murray, Hengcai Zhang, Peng Peng, Qiang Mei, Jinhai Chen. Impact of oil price fluctuations on tanker maritime network structure and traffic flow changes. Applied Energy, 2019, 237: 390-403.
  2. 2019. Zhixiang Fang*, Hongchu YU*, Ranxuan KE, Shih-Lung SHAW and Guojun PENG. Automatic Identification System-based Approach to Assess Near Miss Collision Risk of Ship in Ports. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2019, 20(2), 534-543.
  3. 2019. Qiuping Li, ShaoboZhong, ZhixiangFang*, Lee D. Han, Lin Liu. Optimizing Mixed Pedestrian-Vehicle Evacuation by Adaptive Network Reconfiguration. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions. Accepted.
  4. 2019. Tao Liu, Xing Zhang*, Qingquan Li, Zhixiang Fang. Structure Landmark-based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphone. IEEEAccess, 2019, 7(1), 15654-15668.
  5. 2019. Yingzhi Cao, Yichen Wu*, Zhixiang Fang, Xiaojian Cui, JianfengLiang, Xiao Song. Spatiotemporal Patterns and Morphological Characteristics of Ulva prolifera Distribution in the Yellow Sea, China in 2016–2018. Remote Sensing, accepted.
  6. 2019. Zhiyuan Zhao, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ling Yin, Zhixiang Fang, Xiping Yang. Impacts of temporal sampling intervals on human mobility indicators using mobile phone location data.International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Accepted.
  7. 2018. Zhixiang FANG, Hongchu YU*, Feng LU, Mingxiang FENG, Meng HUANG. Maritime network dynamics before and after international events. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(7), 937-956.
  8. 2018. Zhixiang Fang, Yuxin Jiang, Hong Xu*, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ling Li and XuexianGeng. An invisible salient landmark approach to locating pedestrians for predesigned business card route of pedestrian navigation. Sensors, 2018, 18, 3164; doi:10.3390/s18093164.
  9. 2018. Zhixiang FANG*, Rongxiang Su and Huang Lian. Understanding the effect of an e-hailing app subsidy war on taxicab operation zones. Journal of Advanced Transportation, Article ID 7687852, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7687852.
  10. 2018. Rongxiang Su, Zhixiang Fang*, Ningxin Luo, Jingwei Zhu. Understanding the dynamics of the pick-up and drop-off locations of taxicabs in the context of a subsidy war among e-hailing apps. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1256; doi:10.3390/su10041256.
  11. 2018. Rongxiang Su, Zhixiang Fang*, Hong Xu*, Lian Huang. Uncovering Spatial Inequality in Taxi Services in the Context of aSubsidy War among E-hailing Apps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(6), ArticleID: 230, 10.3390/ijgi7060230.
  12. 2018. Xiping Yang, Zhixiang Fang*, Ling Yin, Junyi Li, Yang Zhou, Shiwei Lu. Understanding the spatial structure of urban human commuting using mobile phone location data: A case study of Shenzhen, China. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1435; doi:10.3390/su10051435.
  13. 2018. Jingwei Zhu, Yang Xu*, Zhixiang Fang, Shih-Lung Shaw, Xingjian Liu. Geographic Prevalence and Mix of Regional Cuisines in Chinese Cities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7, 183; doi:10.3390/ijgi7050183.
  14. 2018. Zhiyuan Zhao, Ling Yin, Shih-Lung Shaw, Zhixiang Fang, Xiping Yang, Fan Zhang. Identifying stops from mobile phone location data by introducing uncertain segments. Transactions in GIS, 2018, 22(4), 958-974.
  15. 2017. Zhixiang Fang*, Ling Li, Bijun Li*, Jingwei Zhu, Qingquan Li, ShengwuXiong. An artificial bee colony-based multi-objective route planning algorithm for use in pedestrian navigation at night. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2017, 31(10), 2020-2044. 10.1080/13658816.2017.1346795.
  16. 2017. Zhixiang Fang*, Xiping Yang*, Yang Xu, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ling Yin. Spatiotemporal model for assessing the stability of urban human convergence and divergence patterns. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2017, 31(11), 2119-2141. 10.1080/13658816.2017.1346256.
  17. 2017. Hongchu Yu, Zhixiang Fang*, Guojun Peng, Mingxiang Feng. Revealing the linkage network dynamic structures of Chinese maritimeports through Automatic Information System data.Sustainability. 2017, 9, 1913; doi:10.3390/su9101913
  18. 2017. ShaoboZhong, Zhixiang Fang, Min Zhu, Quanyi Huang. A geo-ontology based approach to decision-making in emergency management of meteorological disaster. Natural Hazards, 2017, 89(2), 531-554. DOI 10.1007/s11069-017-2979-z.
  19. 2017. Yang Zhou*, Zhixiang Fang, Qingming Zhan, Yaping Huang, Xiongwu Fu. Inferring Social Functions Available in the MetroStation Area from Passengers’ Staying Activities inSmart Card Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017, 6(12), 394; doi:10.3390/ijgi6120394.
  20. 2017. Tao Liu, Xing Zhang*, Qingquan Li, Zhixiang Fang. A Visual-based Approach for Indoor Radio Map Construction Using Smartphone. Sensors2017, 17(8), 1790; doi:10.3390/s17081790.
  21. 2017. Shiwei Lu*, Shih-Lung Shaw, Zhixiang Fang, Xirui Zhang, Ling Yin. Exploring the Effects of Sampling Locations for Calibrating the Huff Model Using Mobile Phone Location Data. Sustainability, 2017, 9, 159; doi:10.3390/su9010159.
  22. 2017. Shiwei Lu*, Zhixiang Fang, Xirui Zhang, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ling Yin, Zhiyuan Zhao, Xiping Yang. Understanding the Representativeness of Mobile Phone Location Data in Characterizing Human Mobility Indicators. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, (ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.) 2017, 6(1), 7; doi:10.3390/ijgi6010007.
  23. 2016. Xiping Yang, Zhixiang Fang*, Yang Xu*, Shi-Lung Shaw, Zhiyuan Zhao, Ling Yin, Tao Zhangand Yunong Lin. Understanding spatiotemporal patterns of humanconvergence and divergence using mobile phonelocation data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5, 177; doi:10.3390/ijgi5100177.
  24. 2016. Yang Xu, Shih-Lung Shaw*, Zhixiang Fang, Ling Yin. Estimating Potential Demand of Bicycle Trips From Mobile Phone Data–An Anchor-point Based Approach. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5, 131; doi:10.3390/ijgi5080131.
  25. 2016. Tao LIU, Zhixiang FANG*, Qingzhou MAO*, Qingquan LI, Xing Zhang. A cube-based saliency detection method using integrated visual and spatial features. Sensor Review, 2016, 36(2), 148-157.
  26. 2016. Rolla Jamil Almodfer, ShengwuXiong, Zhixiang Fang*, Xiangzhen Kong, SenwenZheng. Quantitative Analysis of Lane-Based Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflict at a Non-Signalized MarkedCrosswalk. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 42: 468-478. 10.1016/j.trf.2015.07.004.
  27. 2016. Wei TU*, Qingquan LI*, Zhixiang FANG, Shih-lung Shaw, Baoding ZHOU, Xiaomeng CHANG. Optimizing the Locations of Electric Taxi Charging Stations: a Spatial-temporal Demand Coverage Approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2016, 65: 172–189.
  28. 2016. Yang Xu, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ziliang Zhao, Ling Yin, Feng Lu, Jie Chen, Zhixiang Fang, Qingquan Li. Another Tale of Two Cities—Understanding Human Activity Space using Actively Tracked Cellphone Location Data, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2016, 106(2), 489-502.
  29. 2015. Zhixiang FANG*, Qingquan Li & Shih-Lung Shaw. What about people in pedestrian navigation? Geo-spatial Information Science, 2015, 18(4), 135-150.
  30. 2015. Ling Yin*, Qian Wang, Shih-Lung Shaw, Zhixiang FANG, Jinxing HU, Ye Tao, Wei Wang. Re-identification risk versus data utility for aggregated mobility research using mobile phone location data. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(10): e0140589.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140589.
  31. 2015. Rolla Jamil, S. Xiong, X. Kong, S. Zheng and Zhixiang FANG*. Pedestrian crossing patterns preference at a non-signalized crosswalk. Procedia Manufacturing. 2015, 3, 3353-3359, 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.496.
  32. 2015. Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Zhixiang FANG, Baoding ZHOU. A novel spatial-temporal Voronoi diagram-based heuristic approach for large-scale vehicle routing optimization with time constraints. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2015, 4, 2019-2044; doi:10.3390/ijgi4042019.
  33. 2015. Zhong Chen, Shengwu Xiong, Zhixiang Fang*, Ruiling Zhang, Xiangzhen Kong, Yi Rong. Topologically ordered feature extraction based on sparse group restricted boltzmann machines. Mathematical problems in engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 267478. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/267478.
  34. 2015. Xing ZHANG, Qingquan LI, Qin ZOU, Zhixiang FANG, Baoding ZHOU. Parametric Modeling of Visual Search Efficiency in Real Scenes, PLOS ONE, 2015. 10.1371/journal.pone.0128545.
  35. 2015. Yang XU, Shih-Lung Shaw*, Ziliang Zhao, Ling Yin, Zhixiang Fang, Qingquan LI. Understanding aggregate human mobility patterns using passive mobile phone location data- a home-based approach. Transportation, 2015, 42(2), 625-646.
  36. 2015. Yang ZHOU, ZhixiangFang*, Jean-ClaudeThill, Qingquan Li, Yuguang Li. Functionally critical locations in an urban transportationnetwork: Identificationand space-time analysis using taxi trajectories. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015, 52, 34–47.
  37. 2015. Zhong Chen, ShengwuXiong, Qingzhou Mao, Zhixiang Fang and Xiaohan Yu. An improved saliency detection approach for Flying Apsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals, China. Advances in Multimedia, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 625915, 11 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/625915.
  38. 2014. Xing Zhang, Qingquan LI*, Zhixiang FANG*, Shiwei LU, Shih-Lung Shaw. An assessment method for landmark recognition time in real scenes. Journal of environmental psychology. 2014, 40: 206-217.
  39. 2014. Zhong Chen, Shengwu Xiong, Zhixiang FANG*, Qingquan LI, Baolin Wang, Qin Zou. A kernel support vector machine-based feature selection approach for recognizing Flying Apsaras' streamers in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals, China. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014, 49, 107-113.
  40. 2014. Shih-Lung SHAW, ZhixiangFANG*, Shiwei LU, RanTAO. Impacts of the High Speed Rail on Railroad Network Accessibility in China. Journal of Transport Geography. 2014, 40, 112-123.
  41. 2014. Wei TU, Zhixiang Fang*, Qingquan LI, Shih-Lung SHAW, BiYu CHEN. A Bi-level Voronoi diagram-based metaheuristic for a large-scale multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2014, 61, 84-97.
  42. 2014. XinluZong*, ShengwuXiong, Zhixiang Fang*. A conflict-congestion model for pedestrian-vehicle mixed evacuation based on discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm. Computers & Operations Research, 2014, 44, 1-12.
  43. 2014. ZhongBo Hu, ShengWu Xiong, QingHua Su, ZhiXiang Fang. Finite Markov chain analysis of classical differential evolution algorithm. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2014, 121-134.
  44. 2014. Zhongbo Hu, Shengwu Xiong, Zhixiang Fang and Qinghua Su. A Convergent Differential Evolution Algorithm with Hidden Adaptation Selection for Engineering Optimization.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. volume 2014, Article ID 135653, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/135652.
  45. 2013. Zhixiang FANG, Qiuping Li, Qingquan Li, Lee D. Han, Shih-Lung Shaw. Aspace–time efficiency model for optimizing intra-intersectionvehicle–pedestrian evacuation movements. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013, 31, 112-130.
  46. 2013. Zhixiang FANG, WeiTU,Qingquan LI, Shih-LungSHAW,Shunqing CHEN,BiYu CHEN. A Voronoi Neighborhood-based Search Heuristic for Distance/Capacity Constrained Very-Large Vehicle Routing Problems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(4), 741-764.
  47. 2013. Bi Yu CHEN*, Qingquan LI, Donggen WANG, Shih-Lung SHAW, William H. K. LAM, Hui YUAN and Zhixiang FANG*, 2013, Reliable Space-time Prisms under Travel Time Uncertainty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013, 103(6): 1502-1521.
  48. 2013. Chen, B., Lam, W., Sumalee, A., Li, Q., Shao, H. and Fang, Z.. Finding reliable shortest paths in road networks under uncertainty. Networks & Spatial Economics., 2013, 13(2): 123-148.
  49. 2013. Jialiang Kou, Shengwu Xiong*, Zhixiang Fang, Xinlu Zong, Zhong Chen. Multiobjective Optimization of Evacuation Routes in Stadium Using Superposed Potential Field Network Based ACO, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 369016, 11 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/369016.
  50. 2012. Zhixiang FANG, Shih-Lung SHAW, Wei TU, Qingquan LI, Yuguang LI. Spatiotemporal analysis of critical transportation links based on time geographic concepts: a case study of critical bridges in Wuhan, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 2012, 23: 44-59.
  51. 2012. Zhixiang FANG, Qingquan Li, Xing Zhang and Shih-Lung Shaw. A GIS data model for landmark-based pedestrian navigation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2012, 26: 5, 817-838.
  52. 2011. Zhixiang FANG, Qingquan LI, Qiuping LI, Lee D. Han, Dan Wang. A Proposed Pedestrian Waiting-Time Model for Improving Space-Time Use Efficiency in Stadium Evacuation Scenarios. Building and Environment, 2011, 46(9): 1774-1784.
  53. 2011.  Zhixiang Fang, Qingquan Li and Xing Zhang. A multiobjective model for generating optimal landmark sequences in pedestrian navigation applications. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2011, 25(5): 785-805.
  54. 2011. Zhixiang Fang, Wei Tu, Qingquan Li, Qiuping Li. A multi-objective approach to scheduling joint participation with variable space and time preferences and opportunities. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011, 19(4): 623-634.
  55. 2011. Zhixiang Fang, Xinlu Zong, Qingquan LI, Qiuping Li, Shengwu Xiong. Hierarchical multi-objective evacuation routing in stadium using ant colony optimization approach.  Journal of Transport Geography. 2011, 19(3): 443–451.
  56. 2011. Hongbing Liu, Shengwu Xiong, Zhixiang Fang. FL-GrCCA: A granular computing classification algorithm based on fuzzy lattices. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 61(1), 138-147.
  57. 2010. Zhixiang Fang, Shih-Lung Shaw and Qingquan Li. 2010. A sensitive indicator of regional space–time accessibility. Annals of GIS, 2010, 16: 3, 155-164.