Supervisors’ leadership behaviors and subordinates’ performance:Moderating effects of the bicultural self
DOI: 10.12677/ap.2011.12009, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,584  浏览: 16,917  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陆洛*:国立台湾大学工商管理学系/商学研究所
关键词: 转换型领导交易型领导双文化自我工作表现transformational leadership transactional leadership bicultural self job performance
摘要: 本研究旨在探讨主管的领导风格对拥有「双文化自我」的台湾员工的差异化效应,以此检验员工深层的自我建构是否为影响主管-部属互动关系中领导效能的关键因素。我们以结构性问卷对全职工作者进行施测,共回收466份有效问卷。结果显示:主管的转换型和交易型领导都能显着预测员工的工作表现,且为正向关系。再则,主管转换型领导与员工社会取向自我观的交互作用,转换型领导与个人取向自我观的交互作用,以及交易型领导与个人取向自我观的交互作用都达统计水平。社会取向与个人取向自我观分别强化了转换型及交易型领导对员工之工作表现的正面影响。我们据此建议主管可经由判读员工的核心价值观,来找出最佳激励部属的领导风格。
Abstract: The present study aimed to examine the moderating effects of bicultural self on the relationships between supervisors’ leadership behaviors and subordinates’ job performance. Using structured questionnaires, we surveyed 466 Taiwanese employees. Results revealed that both transformational and transactional leadership behaviors were positively associated with subordinates’ job performance. Furthermore, both subordinates’ social-oriented and individual-oriented self views strengthened the relationships between transformational/transactional leadership behaviors and job performance. Subordinates’ individual-oriented self views also strengthened the relationship between transactional leadership behavior and job performance. We thus suggested that supervisors need to take into account their subordinates’ self views in mapping out the best motivation strategy.
文章引用:陆洛 (2011). 主管领导行为与员工工作表现之关联—初探华人双文化自我的运作. 心理学进展, 1(2), 51-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2011.12009


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