Influencing Factors and Removing Method of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) Generated in High Fructose Corn Syrup
摘要: 5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)是在果葡糖浆生产过程中可能产生的一种物质,会对产品的口感风味和人身健康带来一定的影响。本论文通过单因素实验和正交实验设计,对影响果葡糖浆中HMF产生的影响因素进行了研究。实验表明:温度越高HMF越易产生;pH控制在4~5 HMF产生较少,酸性较强容易产生HMF;干物浓度较高时(>70%),HMF产生的速度较快;操作时间与HMF的产生量成正比关系。正交实验显示,各个影响因素中对HMF产生的影响:温度 > 时间 > 干物浓度 > pH。本论文还对颗粒活性炭去除HMF的方法进行了简单介绍和研究,为公司生产工艺的控制提供了必要的依据。 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a substance generated in the producing process of high fructose corn syrup, which is harmful to the flavor of products and human healthy. Single factor experiment and orthogonal experi- ment design were adopted to investigate the factors influencing the generation of 5-HMF. The results indicated that 5-HMF increases as the temperature rises. 5-HMF produces less at pH 4 - 5. The stronger acidity of the syrup leads to generate more 5-HMF. The 5-HMF increases faster at higher concentrations (DS > 70%). The reaction time is propor- tional to 5-HMF generation. Orthogonal experiments showed that the influencing effects of factor were followed as: temperature > time > concentrations > pH value. Moreover, the removing method of 5-HMF by using granular acti- vated carbons was also studied in the work. The results might be very meaningful to provide evidence for process con- trol of high fructose corn syrup.
文章引用:张健, 孙学谦, 崔强, 李秋红, 李伟, 王一. 果葡糖浆中5-HMF生成影响因素及其去除方法[J]. 物理化学进展, 2013, 2(3): 27-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JAPC.2013.23005


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