The Software Design for the Antitheft of Website Pictures*—Based on the Combination of Theoretical Study and Experimental Demonstration


Abstract: The security problem of digital image is the key point of multimedia information security. This paper focuses its research on the security protection of network pictures, and the main idea is to prevent the network users through screen shot to get pictures easily and directly. Therefore, this paper firstly utilizes the persistence of vision characteristic of human eyes and proposes a protection strategy similar to animation frames, so that some pixels of each frame can be hidden or fuzzy processed. Secondly, this paper designs a number of numerical experiments from multiple angles and then conducts comparative analysis. The experimental results showed that the scheme we put forward would neither cause distinct influences when network users skimmed through the network pictures, nor could they get the pictures completely through screen shot at any time. The research results of this paper can prevent the illegal utilization of network pictures and the second distribution effectively, so as to preserve the legitimate rights of the original.

文章引用:韩正岳, 吴圳杰, 张瀚月, 黄彧, 吴蓉. 面向网络图片防盗保护的软件设计—基于理论研究与实验论证的结合[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2013, 2(4): 75-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SEA.2013.24013


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