Recall of Emotional Experience and Well-Being of Community-Dwelling Elders in Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.36A001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,069  浏览: 8,087 
作者: 黄扬名:辅仁大学心理学系
关键词: 情绪经验年长者心理状态 Emotional Experience; Elders; Psychological Status
摘要: 研究目的:探讨情绪经验与年长者心理状态之关系。研究方法:同时搜集短式的老人忧郁量表及简式生活满意度量表以及进行情绪经验的调查。研究结果:结果显示男性样本的心理较女性更为正向:男性GDS-15分数显著低于女性,若以忧郁标准来比较也是男性有忧郁的比例较低;男性在生活满意度的心理分项上的分数较女性高;男性回忆较少负向情绪经验。除此之外,指标间也有关系:一、GDS-15WHOQOL-BREF两者的分数呈现负相关;二、GDS-15与男女性负向近期及正向长期情绪经验的内容有关系;三、WHOQOL-BREF与男性正向情绪经验有关系。研究结论:过去研究较多以量表的方式来探讨年长者的心理状态,但简易的量化指标容易受到反应偏误的影响,也较难全面地反应年长者的心理状态。本研究提供了另外的角度来探讨年长者的心理状态,搭配量表的结果,更全面地反应了年长者的心理状态。
Abstract:  Purpose: To explore the relationship between emotional experience and elder’s psychological status. Methods: Collect GDS-15 and WHOQOL-BREF and a survey regarding emotional experience. Results: Elder males’ psychological states are more positive than females’ psychological states. Males scored lower on GDS-15 and have lower proportion of depression. In addition, males recalled fewer negative emotional experiences. The relationships between the measurements were also observed. There is a negative correlation between GDS-15 and WHOQOL-BREF. GDS-15 is related with elders’ recent negative and distant positive emotional experience. WHOQOL-BREF scores are related with males’ positive emotional experience. Conclusions: Most of the previous studies used questionnaire to investigate the psychological status of the elderly. However, questionnaire is easily affected by response bias and might not provide a complete understanding of the elders’ psychological status. The emotional experience survey used in this study provides another perspective to understand the elders’ psychological status and provides a more thorough understanding about their psychological status.
文章引用:黄扬名 (2013). 年长者的情绪经验与心理状态之探索——以台湾年长者为例. 心理学进展, 3(6), 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.36A001


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