The Talent Cultivation under the Integration of Operations and Maintenance
摘要: 运维一体化不但要求员工懂得输变电设备的维护检修,还要求员工能够根据调度命令倒换运行方式,将输变电设备停止运行,采取安全措施。因此必须超前分析现有体制下运行、检修人员的知识结构,准确把握大检修模式下运维一体化复合型人才培养的方法
Abstract:  The integration of operations and maintenance asks employees not only to understand the power transmission and the transformation equipment maintenance, but also to rearrange the operation mode according to the scheduling command, stop the running power transmission and transformation equipment and adopt the security measures. So it must in advance analyze the knowledge structure of operation and maintenance staff to accurately grasp the training methods of compound talent of operational integration under the overhaul mode.
文章引用:陈文滨. 运维一体化下的人才培养[J]. 电气工程, 2013, 1(2): 75-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/jee.2013.12016