An Exploration of the Classification of English Resultatives from the Perspective of Second Language Acquisition
摘要: 在英语动结式分类问题上,学者们依据不同的划分标准对英语动结式进行了分类,值得注意的是,迄今为止,国内外从二语习得角度进行分类的研究少之甚少,几乎没有。本文赞同Healy和Miller (1970)[1]的观点,认为二语习得者在理解英语句子过程中动词起主要作用。本研究从汉语母语者二语习得角度出发,在以往学者分类的基础上,根据以下三个标准:一、有无动词后名词;二、动词后名词与动词的语义选择关系;三、动结式同指与异指,将英语动结式分为四种类型,分别是带真宾语英语动结式、带假宾语英语动结式、带反身代词英语动结式和不带宾语动结式。本文认为将英语动结式分为此四类具有理论合理性和实证可验性,为实证研究提供相关理论背景,有利于日后实证研究工作的开展。
Abstract: Scholars have classified English resultatives into different types according to various criteria. However, it is notable that there is no study classifying English resultatives from the perspective of second language acquisition at home and abroad so far. This paper agrees with the viewpoint of Healy and Miller (1970) [1] that as for the second language learner, the verb plays a central role in the process of comprehending English sentences. Based on the classifications of previous scholars, this paper classifies English resultatives into four types from the point of English Foreign Language learners. According to these three standards—1) whether the sentence is with the postver-bal noun or not; 2) the semantic selective relation between the verb and the postverbal noun; 3) whether the subject and the postverbal noun are coreferential or not, the paper classifies English resultatives into the following four types: the Subcategorized Object Resultative, the Non-subca-tegorized Object Resultative, the Fake Reflexive Resultative, and the No Object Resultative. The paper holds that English resultatives are divided into the four types with theoretical reasonability and empirical verifiability. The paper also provides relevant theoretical background to empirical researches and it is beneficial for future empirical research.
文章引用:曹祖闲. 从二语习得角度对英语动结式分类的探讨[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(2): 98-104. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.22012


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